Yoga After Work: Why Yoga is Beneficial For Your Wellbeing >

In today’s work culture, many people tend to overwork themselves to the point that they forget about their wellbeing. This type of lifestyle can be hazardous to one’s health both mentally and physically, and could eventually lead to burnout.

The best way to combat these problems would be having a pastime that could help clear your mind, however picking one can be overwhelming and is difficult to fit into one’s packed schedule. Why not try Yoga? Yoga is a holistic way to work out and relieve your mind, body, and spirit, and the best part about it is that anybody can do it regardless of age or fitness level.

Here are some of the benefits of practicing yoga:

A Workout to Unwind

Unlike other forms of exercise that require specific equipment or fitness level, all you need to start your yoga journey is yourself and a calm place where you feel comfortable. The main objective of yoga is to relax one’s body, mind, and spirit through a series of breathing, poses, and chanting exercises. By incorporating yoga into your daily routine, you will be able to de-stress, refresh yourself, and keep your heart healthy.

Improves Your Mental Health

Whenever you feel stressed out and need to take a breather, yoga can help clear your mind. Studies have shown that yoga can help improve one’s mental health. Yoga can boost your endorphins, pumping more oxygenated blood to your brain, which improves and sharpens your senses. Practicing yoga is also known to improve your serotonin levels which are your hormones responsible for balancing your mood levels.

Keeps You in Shape

When doing yoga poses, you slowly stretch into your chosen position and hold that pose, accompanied by deep breathing practices. This can help warm up your muscles, and through consistent practice, you will be able to improve your strength, flexibility, and balance.

Connects you to a Community

Not only can yoga freshen up your body, mind, and spirit, it also lets you be part of a big supportive community. Last September 8, JEG tower held an outdoors yoga session at its roof deck garden. Making use of the roof deck’s spacious area and relaxing scenery, the yoga session was joined by practitioners and newcomers alike, all with the goal of promoting wellness and a healthier lifestyle. Joining a yoga session is a fun way to connect with people and make friends, all while developing a healthier lifestyle.

Host your outdoor activity at JEG’s roof deck garden! For future events or inquiries about the building, reach out to Alexa Abella at (+63) 917-825-6884. Learn more information about the best place to work in Cebu City! Send an email to today!

Future-proofing your Office with Sustainability


Changes brought by the pandemic to the lives of people have further inspired and pushed developers to future-proof spaces they offer. For businesses to adapt to the changes presented by unprecedented circumstances, spaces should allow innovation and anticipate future modifications to further support companies and provide its needs to operate. 
As defined by McKinsey, future-proofing an office and an organization is looking ahead of design trends, making use of innovative technology, and anticipating to minimize risk and adapt to changes in the future. Penketh Group, a workplace design and strategy organization, also noted that future-proofing workplaces is a “form of damage control used to reduce any barriers, limitations or negative consequences as time ticks on and industries evolve.” 
Future-proofing for Millennials 
Organizations and businesses in the Philippines begin to realize the importance and crucial role of the workplace to the health, safety, and productivity of its employees. As the labor force shifts to a new demographics, priorities in employment and retention have also changed. In 2021, an estimate of 47.1% of more than 66 million Filipino workers were identified as part of the millennial generation. Dubbed as the “Job-hopping Generation”, Gallup reported that more than salary and climbing the corporate ladder, millennials prioritize a company’s culture and a good workplace. 


Future-proofing & Sustainability 

Future-proofing a workplace goes hand in hand with sustainability. More than just a construction and design trend, sustainability has become an encompassing approach to maintaining an optimal space for employees and taking care of their holistic well-being.  
Green and sustainable features secure an organization’s future and significantly impact the health, wellness, and safety of its occupants. Here are some ways sustainability contributes to future-proofing your office:  

Smart Technology 

Smart technology will be one of the requirements for workplaces in the new normal. Smart offices are workspaces that utilize automated processes to enhance building operations, from air conditioning and heating, lighting, and security. All of these conveniences will start to be the standard in eliminating and reducing risks after the recent pandemic and other health threats. 
Premium green buildings utilize this innovative solution through voice-controlled elevators, remotely operated printers, and increased use of sensors throughout offices would substantially reduce workplace risk. In more secured offices, emerging technologies such as facial recognition can further reduce contact and exposure among colleagues. 

Optimal Indoor Air Quality 
Indoor air quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, related to the health and comfort of its occupants. Research emphasizes that this is an important factor in providing a safe and healthy workspace for employees post-pandemic. 
Many studies have made direct correlation with better pandemic response and providing an improved indoor air quality. Premium green buildings like JEG Tower @ One Acacia utilizes the MERV-13 air filters and Fresh Air System for optimal indoor air quality. As a LEED Gold establishment, the 22-storey premium green building in Cebu City uses these top-grade filters that capture particles in the air from 0.3 and 10 microns (µm). Higher value in MERV ratings leads to better filtration, fewer dust particles, and other airborne contaminants.  
The tower’s MERV13 filter is one of the highest-grade filters in the industry that promotes an ideal indoor environment and eliminates the growth of bacteria, mold, mildew, or fungi. 

Waste Management & Recycling 

Green buildings also prioritize proper waste disposal and recycling. In the Philippines, one of the frontrunners of sustainability, JEG Tower @ One Acacia collects and stores waste materials for recycling, including the diversion and demolition of debris from disposal in landfills and incineration facilities. Instead, these recyclable construction materials are redirected back to the manufacturing process and appropriate reclamation sites. This process reduces demand for virgin resources and further reduces the environmental impacts of resource extraction, processing, and transportation. 

One of the simplest requirements for building a biophilic office is the introduction of plants and greenspaces within the work area. By introducing plants, either in pots or in the form of living green walls into the office environment, indoor air quality is improved as the vegetation can help in absorbing pollutants, toxins, and disease-carrying viruses. This can complement a building’s air filtration system that optimizes disease prevention. 
Biophilic designs in workplaces also feature large windows that allow maximum natural light. Many studies have linked this design to improved productivity, motivation, and overall happiness and satisfaction of employees in the office. 

Well-being Programs 

To further improve the overall well-being of its tenants, premium green buildings also offer opportunities and programs that directly affect their health. According to Business News Daily, providing lifestyle enhancement benefits can be a powerful method to recruit and retain employees. These benefits usually involve fitness, mental health, or medical needs. Simply giving access or capacity to avail gym memberships, health apps or other assistance programs can keep them happy and loyal. 

With more employees being health-conscious, a future-proof workplace successfully incorporates sustainability, sophistication, and safety in its design and layout. Premium office spaces provide an additional layer of protection to its tenants against the virus and other threats to their holistic health.  

Premium green buildings and commercial developments, such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia, ensure that the workplace gives utmost importance to the health, safety, and holistic well-being of its tenants. With offices designed to integrate sustainability and sophistication, employees can enjoy green features that provide greater support for employees to their psychosocial needs. 
Want to learn more about how the workplace can support employee well-being? Contact Gerold Fernando at (+63) 917-565-3547. For leasing inquiries and more information, send an email to

Workplace Wellness Trends for 2022

The global health crisis has significantly highlighted the importance of health and well-being in a community setting. While public health has been one of the priorities of the government, COVID-19 emphasized how it should be a core concern when it comes to urban development and economic recovery.

In 2022, more companies are looking for sustainable and resilient solutions to better protect and better equip their workforce physically and mentally. Beyond pandemic resilience, the new normal office puts the spotlight on workplace wellness and safety for employees and building tenants. Here are some workplace wellness trends to expect in 2022:

Reinforcing Work-Life Balance

Prolonged lockdowns have left companies in and outside the Philippines to offer more flexible work arrangements. Contrary to the typical 8-5 office setup, many have enjoyed spending more time at home through a remote work setup, enabling them to reinforce work and life balance. This trend is expected to continue next year, as many companies consider decentralizing their workforce and provide more flexible options for their employees.

A hybrid office model means a mix of office and work-from-home setup, allowing employees to do more things outside of work. A study in the US revealed that the pandemic has significantly improved their work-life balance. Out of 1,010 respondents, 83% said that they currently have a positive work-life balance because of more flexible work options.

Focus on Mental Health & Stress Management

The new normal presents an opportunity to provide a better work environment for employees and support their mental well-being. Many studies show that office spaces impact the mental health and cognitive function of employees, especially as they face more stress and anxiety while working. According to research, employees inside a confined space for extended periods of time can suffer from mental burnout, demotivation, and added stress.

In a study, a healthy workforce can improve output due to lower stress levels and employee absences. A more holistic approach is also encouraged by some experts. In the same report, the corporate wellness program can go beyond physical, mental, social, and emotional needs. Mental health is an aspect that is most often overlooked by employees and employers alike.

Primary Care Benefits

Employees expect a more comprehensive healthcare and protection benefits from their employees in 2022. As the majority realized the importance of putting their health first and at the top of their priorities, one of the emerging trends in the new normal is the inclusion of primary care to the employees’ benefits moving forward.

Healthier Workspaces

With more employees being health-conscious, a future-proof workplace successfully incorporates sustainability, sophistication, and safety in its design and layout. Premium office spaces provide an additional layer of protection to its tenants against the virus and other threats to their holistic health.

Structural and technological upgrades help boost confidence and peace of mind, enforce protocols, and track activity for tenants to feel safer and be inspired at work.

Premium green buildings and commercial developments, such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia, ensure that the workplace gives utmost importance to the health, safety, and holistic well-being of its tenants. With offices designed to integrate sustainability and sophistication, employees can enjoy green features that provide greater support for employees to their psychosocial needs.

READ MORE: Why JEG Tower is the perfect new normal workplace

Want to learn more about how the workplace can support employee well-being? Contact Gerold Fernando at (+63) 917-565-3547. For leasing inquiries and more information, send an email to

Why Locate your Business in a LEED-certified Office Building?

Due to the pandemic, more Filipinos grew more conscious of their health and safety, especially in shared spaces. It became an added challenge for employers to provide workspaces that do not only induce productivity but also offer spaces that prioritize their well-being.

Designed to promote sustainability and holistic wellness, LEED-certified buildings have become a more ideal location for companies that are looking for their office space in the new normal. As economies start to reopen and people return to work, these premium green buildings have become the new standard for many. Here are some reasons why companies should locate in LEED-certified office buildings:

Save up on Operational Costs

LEED-certified buildings are constructed to use energy more efficiently and conserve water by utilizing top-graded technology and systems. This may include high-efficiency variable refrigerant flow (VRF) air conditioning systems, installation of Low-E glass to reduce heat from the sun on the building’s interiors, installation of LED lighting throughout all buildings, the use of solar energy, and energy-efficient elevators.

When it comes to water efficiency, some LEED-certified buildings also have rainwater collection systems and facilities to lessen the demand and reliance on potable water sources.

RELATED: Sustainability Report: How does JEG Tower @ One Acacia contribute to the People, Planet, and Profit?

Happier, Healthier Employees

Numerous studies have shown that employees working in LEED-certified buildings are happier and healthier. Because of numerous cumulative factors such as exposure to natural lighting, the optimal indoor air quality, and access to green spaces, these premium green buildings are linked to improved productivity, increased output, and better work performance.

Employees that work in workplaces inside LEED-certified buildings are also found to be more motivated at work and more productive. They are exposed to optimal indoor air quality, natural lighting, and access to green spaces that can have significant effects on their cognitive functions, physical, and mental health.

READ MORE: Employees working in LEED-certified buildings are Happier, Healthier, and More Productive

According to data, higher indoor air quality significantly enhanced nine specific areas of functional domains namely basic, applied and focused activity levels, task orientation, crisis response, information seeking, information usage, breadth of approach, and strategy. Improved air quality also resulted in better sleep and fewer health symptoms at work.

Stand out among Competition

As people started to put a premium on their health and well-being, companies that lease offices in a LEED-certified building stand out as a business that values and supports sustainability. This can be a major differentiator for your business, helping you to secure new customers and increase customer retention to positively impact your sales revenue.

Businesses that provide the best workplace for their employees will have a stronger and better brand identity and characteristics, attracting not only potential customers but also new talent once they expand operations.

Now is the best time to locate your office in a LEED-certified building.

With the bigger emphasis on health and safety and more competitive office lease rates in Cebu City, companies are looking forward to locating their office in a LEED-certified development. JEG Tower @ One Acacia offers premium office and retail spaces for businesses in Cebu City. This 22-storey LEED Pre-certified Silver establishment was named Best Green Commercial Development in the Philippines in 2020.

Through the intelligent utilization of technology, sustainable design and construction methods, and integrated and holistic approach to the well-being of its occupiers, JEG Tower @ One Acacia is the perfect new normal workplace in the heart of Metro Cebu.

Schedule a viewing with us today. Contact Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825-6884. For inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to

How the office environment affects employees’ mental health

Before the pandemic, an average office worker spends 40 or 50 hours per week inside the workplace. As businesses prep for the new normal and business re-entry post-lockdown, commercial landlords and property owners begin to realize how the office space impacts and affects the overall well-being and safety of their employees.  

RELATED: Taking care of your mental health: Why it matters in time of a pandemic

The new normal presents an opportunity to provide a better work environment for employees and uplift their mental well-being. While most local and international guidelines and protocols focus on the safety of employees and reducing any potential exposure to the virus, it is also essential to consider how returning to the office will impact workers’ mental health. Many studies show that office spaces impact the mental health and cognitive function of employees, especially as they face more stress and anxiety while working. According to research, employees inside a confined space for long periods of time can suffer from mental burnout, demotivation, and added stress.

In a report by Entrepreneur, a healthy workforce can improve output due to lower stress levels and employee absences. A more holistic approach is also encouraged by some experts. In the same report, the corporate wellness program can go beyond physical, mental, social, and emotional needs. Mental health is an aspect that is most often overlooked by employees and employers alike when

Managing Stress and Anxiety

A healthy workplace can help employees manage stress and relieve anxiety. According to commercial interior designers, certain aspects of the office can contribute to increasing motivation, boosting morale, and productivity.

Gensler reported that biophilic and green features such as outdoor spaces and access to natural lighting can help reduce stress, anger, and anxiety. It can also lead to improved self-esteem and a better image of self in the long run.

Experts suggest that providing areas when employees can take a break, relax, and socialize is a simple step in helping them cope with the workload better and reduce the feeling of burnout while in the workplace. In the post-pandemic timeline, companies should be careful in providing common and social spaces while still strictly implementing physical and social distancing measures to protect employees from contracting the virus.

READ MORE: Safer and Better Normal: What’s the best workspace layout in a post-pandemic world?

Better Brain Function

Studies prove that the brain’s cognitive performance is affected by the environment it is in. Workplace strategists and design experts suggest that offering a multi-sensory design in the office can improve the employees’ mental health and boost their cognitive function. Stimulating people’s senses of sight, touch, smell, and hearing can lead to a better performance at work in a less stressful and overwhelming environment.

One research found that occupants of a healthy workplace scored higher in cognitive tests, slept better, and reported fewer health symptoms. Green features such as access to natural light, green walls, and optimal indoor air quality are also proven to significantly impact the employees’ thinking abilities, capabilities to focus, and retain information. Moreover, they are more productive and inspired to complete tasks at hand.

Premium Green Buildings for Mental Health

Premium green buildings and commercial developments, such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia, ensure that the workplace design does not compromise the safety, security, and functionality of the space. Instead, it adds value to the often-overlooked aspect of design, which is to promote holistic wellness to its occupants.

By providing safe spaces where tenants can relax, socialize, and reflect, JEG Tower @ One Acacia lives up to its vision of advocating for the overall well-being of its occupants while in the office. A healthy workplace should go beyond physical modifications and provide greater support for employees to their psychosocial needs. Backed by JEG Development Corporation’s vision of revolutionizing work-life balance in Cebu City, JEG Tower promotes the importance of mental health and stress management in the office and offers realistic measures on how to address it.

Want to learn more about JEG Tower @ One Acacia? Contact Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825-6884. For inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to

Safer and Better Normal: What’s the best workspace layout in a post-pandemic world?

The pandemic has forever changed the way people live and work. As the whole world continues to adapt to a safer, healthier, and better normal, the concept of effective and efficient workspace layouts has been challenged to incorporate health and well-being for its tenants.

As many companies allow a more flexible working arrangement, workplace strategists suggest maximizing the office space as a venue for socialization and collaboration without compromising the safety of its occupants.

Open Floor Layouts—with Restrictions

While some argue that the trend toward an open floor workplace design will begin to fade due to the threats of the virus, the idea of “openness” in the office can still be created through creating non-hierarchical spaces, a variety of flexible work environments, and space planning that encourages the sharing of ideas. An open office is still the best way to foster social relationships and open opportunities to build teamwork between colleagues. Workplace strategists, however, reiterated the importance of implementing physical and social distancing measures to protect employees from contracting the virus.

Layout 1: Open Office – Workstations are positioned in various configurations, some touching, others clustered in various sizes of work zones. Everyone in the office sits together, including managers, and discussions flowing freely across the open space.

Layout 2: Cellular Office – In this popular layout, the entire office space is divided into individual spaces (or cubicles) arranged for employees to each have private spaces. It provides a focused work environment and lends well to a systematization of office operations. Ceiling studs, windows, doors, or partitions are used to create individual spaces.

Layout 3: Co-working – Working without designated workspaces. You can assign desks to workers based on their assigned job. This arrangement can be ideal for promoting social interaction among staff members.

Workplace strategists added that a strict implementation of social and physical distancing guidelines in the workplace should be the key in implementing a well-balanced office for employees returning to work in the new normal. Office should still be an integral part of any business and its essence remains on the space it provides for employees’ mental, physical, emotional, and social needs while at work.

RELATED: The Future of Workplace: Contactless features and smart technology

Smart and Contactless Workplaces

Many businesses adapt to the new normal by incorporating innovation and advanced technology in the office. Workspaces are slowly transitioning to become contactless or low-touch spaces to reduce the chances of cross-infection among colleagues. Smart offices are workspaces that utilize automated processes to enhance building operations, from air conditioning and heating, lighting, and security.

Building developers and commercial institutions should consider the benefits of new advancements in technology such as voice or motion-activated technology in office spaces and common areas like elevators, copy rooms, restrooms, and meeting rooms.

Future-forward commercial establishments such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia, also integrate advanced technology to provide a smart and healthy workplace for its tenants and occupiers. JEG Tower @ One Acacia utilizes the MERV-13 air filters and Fresh Air System for optimal indoor air quality, which is one of the more crucial aspects of being in an enclosed space amid the pandemic. The tower also uses the Fresh Air System that ensures the comfort of its tenants. According to the Environment Protection Agency (EPA), building occupants with little or no access to fresh air end up being more exposed to pollutants indoors compared to when they go outdoors. HVAC systems tend to circulate and recycle old air rather than drawing new and fresh air from the outside.

READ MORE: Why JEG Tower is the perfect new normal workplace

Premium-grade office developments, such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia, are pivoting their office re-entry strategies and offering safer and healthier spaces for businesses and tenants. This 22-storey green commercial development in Metro Cebu uplifts the health and wellness of its tenants. Committed to revolutionizing work and life balance, the building has designed office spaces to maximize the use of natural daylight, allow better indoor air quality in all work and common spaces, and organize initiatives to encourage healthier living for everyone.

Want to learn more about JEG Tower @ One Acacia? Contact Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825-6884. For inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to

Wellness Ratings & The Office: Why it Matters

The global health crisis has undoubtedly highlighted the need for ‘healthier’ and safer buildings and public spaces. Now more than ever, people need a safer and healthier workplace. The ‘new normal’ presents an opportunity for companies to reevaluate the priorities for their employees and tenants and pivot towards a more sustainable approach in commercial real estate in the Philippines.

Driven by the growing consciousness and awareness of the public to the importance of such spaces, there is also an increasing appetite from investors and owners for buildings to implement more holistic measures which improve the spaces they offer to the public.

What is a Building ‘Wellness Rating’?

Wellness ratings aim to measure and recognize public spaces that provide utmost importance to the health and well-being of its tenants. These ratings are certifications that developers and property owners aspire to complete and achieve as a symbol of their commitment to building spaces that put a premium on the public’s welfare, especially in the new normal.

Wellness Ratings in the Philippines

In the Philippines, commercial developments can aim for LEED, BERDE, and WELL certifications to ensure the quality of spaces they construct and offer to the public.

LEED or the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Development is one of the certifications that buildings in the country can apply to ensure the safety, comfort, and security of the building’s occupiers.

Developed by the US Green Building Council (USGBC), it is an internationally recognized certification program that provides a third-party verification that a building was designed and built following strategies aimed to underscore the triple bottom line of sustainability: People, Planet, and Profit.

The ‘People’ concept of sustainability highlights the importance of the experience inside the building. It emphasizes how providing an ideal environment for occupants can contribute to their working performance, motivation, happiness, and its overall impacts on public health and society as a whole.

READ MORE: LEED’s Triple Bottomline: How JEG Tower @ One Acacia uplifts People, Planet, and Profit

BERDE, or the Building for Ecologically Responsive Design Excellence, is a tool to assess, measure, monitor, and certify the performance of green building projects in the Philippines. Developed by the Philippine Green Building Council, this rating aims to ensure green buildings perform and follow existing national and local building and environmental laws, regulations, and mandatory standards in the country.

WELL, on the other hand, is a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and wellbeing. Commercial buildings and establishments are evaluated through various elements that contribute and affect holistic well-being of the public including air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort, and mind.

Why is Wellness Important in the Office

Commercial developments and office buildings in the Philippines should aim to provide healthy and safe spaces for their tenants, employees, and occupants. Putting the public’s well-being on top of the priority will not only be a unique feature for an establishment but will also benefit the business in the long run.

Studies show that healthy and happy employees perform better and faster in the workplace, effectively increasing their output and boosting their motivation to work. Healthy workspaces also improve and maintain employee morale, fosters loyalty, and increase employee retention.

Moreover, a company that takes care of their employees by providing healthy and safe workspaces create a better and more ideal brand identity and reputation.

With its vision of Bringing Work to Life, JEG Tower @ One Acacia revolutionizes work and life balance by integrating sustainability and sophistication in its design and operations. Office spaces in this 22-storey commercial tower offer the best working environment, amplified by its unique green features and guided by LEED standards.

Interested to learn more? Connect with Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825-6884 to find out how you can locate your business in the best workplace in Cebu City.

Why JEG Tower is the perfect new normal workplace

Even before the pandemic, JEG Tower @ One Acacia aimed to offer the best workplace in Cebu City. As businesses are more open to going back to the office, this 22-storey premium office building has focused on pivoting the evolving needs of the workplace in the post-lockdown business landscape.

Through the intelligent utilization of technology, sustainable design and construction methods, and integrated and holistic approach to the well-being of its occupiers, JEG Tower @ One Acacia is the perfect new normal workplace in the heart of Metro Cebu.

Defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), a healthy post-pandemic workplace should be a balance of occupational health and safety, as well as health promotion efforts and initiatives. According to the international health agency, “a healthy workplace is one in which workers and managers collaborate to use a continual improvement process to protect and promote the health, safety, and well-being of workers and the sustainability of the workplace by considering the following, based on identified needs.”

RELATED: Qualities of a Great Office: Why JEG Tower @ One Acacia is the Best Workplace in Cebu

Optimal Indoor Air Quality & Contactless Technology

JEG Tower @ One Acacia utilizes the MERV-13 air filters and Fresh Air System for optimal indoor air quality. The Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values or MERV filters that can capture particles in the air from 0.3 and 10 microns (µm). Higher value in MERV ratings leads to better filtration, fewer dust particles, and other airborne contaminants. The tower’s MERV13 filter is one of the highest-grade filters in the industry that promotes an ideal indoor environment and eliminates the growth of bacteria, mold, mildew, or fungi.

The tower also uses the Fresh Air System that ensures the comfort of its tenants. According to the Environment Protection Agency (EPA), building occupants with little or no access to fresh air end up being more exposed to pollutants indoors compared to when they go outdoors. HVAC systems tend to circulate and recycle old air rather than drawing new and fresh air from the outside.

READ MORE: JEG Tower Focus: MERV and Fresh Air System for Optimal Indoor Air Quality

To address one of the most common health and safety concerns in common spaces, JEG Tower @ One Acacia has also integrated contactless and smart technology in all office floors and common areas in the building. Automatic sliding doors have been installed in the main entrance for touchless access. Motion-sensor bathroom fixtures are also made available for tenants to limit contact to surfaces in public areas.

JEG Tower also has stationed hands-free standing and desk temperature scanners to ensure the fitness of each employee or guest entering the premises.

The Destination-Oriented Assignment System (DOAS) elevators do not only manage crowds and limit contact, boost building security, but also assist in easier tracing or monitoring of foot traffic in the building. It is also one of the tower’s unique green and sustainable features as part of its pledge to sustainability and green real estate in Cebu.

Advocates of Holistic Health and Employee Well-being

JEG Tower in Cebu uplifts the health and wellness of its tenants. Committed to revolutionizing work and life balance, the building has designed office spaces to maximize the use of natural daylight, allow better indoor air quality in all work and common spaces, and organize initiatives to encourage healthier living for everyone.

Named as 2020’s Best Green Commercial Development in the Philippines, JEG Tower @ One Acacia is committed to providing a workplace that addresses the physiological, mental, and social needs of its employees and occupants.

By following global standards and optimizing building design and operations, it is one of the most ideal locations to work in Cebu City. JEG Tower puts a premium on its tenants’ health while practicing sustainability and energy efficiency.

Locate your business in Cebu City’s newest premium green building. Contact Lorenzo Martin E. Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825–6884. For leasing inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to

The GREEN Advantage: How do green buildings contribute to pandemic resilience?

More than the adjustments transitioning into the new normal, the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines made way for changes to happen and lessons to be learned, especially in the public health sector. Due to the global health crisis, many realized the importance of prioritizing health and wellness, not only at home but more importantly at work and within public spaces.

As the world continues to face the pandemic’s threats, health experts are unanimous in saying that prevention and control remain to be the key elements in surviving public health emergencies. Aside from protecting oneself and getting fit and healthy, communities play a huge role in successfully fighting pandemics in the future.

The COVID-19 pandemic has raised the discourse on how important public spaces are in community health. As people learn more about how their environment contributes to their well-being, more have become conscious of where they work, study, shop, an dine.

“Building-based prevention and control measures have become one of the most important methods of fighting against the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Dr. Dr Ho Nyok Yong, president of the Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC), in a webinar during the onset of the pandemic.

The GREEN Advantage

Community and building-based prevention and control measures have become one of the most important methods of fighting against the epidemic. As cities start to reopen their economies and people return to work, green buildings have become a standard for many companies and businesses. A building’s green features became a leverage for commercial developments for the benefits it extends for the health of its tenants and for the prevention of future disease outbreaks.

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, green buildings place a strong emphasis on optimizing indoor air quality, providing well-ventilated indoor spaces, and encouraging the overall health and well-being of its occupants. To provide additional layers of safety and protection, property owners and landlords started to invest in green building technologies to retrofit workspaces and offices, which are found to be the hotspot of airborne disease outbreaks.

More studies are also connecting the importance of building green infrastructure and encouraging sustainable urban planning and design. According to some research, green infrastructure offers a wide range of ecosystem functions and services essential to human wellbeing and urban sustainability which are of relevance under climatic and health crises.

LEED-certified green buildings, such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia, follow certain criteria that are beneficial to disease control and prevention in the workplace and in the community.

RELATED: Pandemic-Proof Workplace: How LEED buildings stand out

Green buildings provide basic functions for epidemic prevention and control inside public spaces. This includes improving the indoor air quality and natural ventilation and promoting indoor disinfection of surfaces and areas. Through this, the risk of infection and cross-infection within public spaces is significantly reduced, ensuring the safety of the occupants and other members of the community.The world green building council also regulates the water quality, air quality, fitness and antibacterial function building materials of green buildings and developments.

Locate your business in Cebu City’s newest premium green building. Contact Lorenzo Martin E. Rodriguez at (+63) 917-8256884. For leasing inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to

Building a Culture of Health and Wellness at Work

Now more than ever, companies put a higher emphasis on keeping their employees safe and healthy. Different measures on how to secure them inside the workplace have been implemented as offices start their re-entry programs. However, effective and sustainable wellness programs should not only be focused on workplace guidelines and protocols but should be deeply embedded in a company’s culture at work.   
A culture of health in the workplace supports and encourages healthy behaviors and is aligned to improve the employees’ overall well-being through the company’s policies, practices, and activities. Research shows that wellness programs are more likely to be successful if employees are engaged. Here are some ways on how you can cultivate a culture of health and wellness at your workplace: 

  • Lead by Example 

    Company leaders, managers, and heads should be role models in following and uplifting a healthier lifestyle at work. They should be advocates of an ideal work and life balance which should be something their employees should aspire for. If the leaders themselves are not participating in the programs, it will not be effective, and employees will not be engaged. 

  • Understand your Employee Demographics 

    Knowing your employees can make all the difference in launching workplace wellness campaigns. A well-structured and effective program addresses the needs and wants of your people. After all, culture should be defined by them in the first place. 

  • Identify a Clear Goal 

    It would be hard to implement something without a clear objective in sight. For employees to realize and appreciate the importance of your efforts to instill a culture of health and wellness at work, it is crucial to define a clear objective that is relevant to them.  

  • How can they benefit from such programs? Which areas of concern will be addressed through it? Set clear and defined goals that are easy to understand so that your employees can trust the process, participate, and be engaged. 

  • Get their Feedback 

    To set clear and correct goals, your employees’ input must be considered. Which areas of health do they want to focus on? How much of their time are they willing to allot for health and wellness activities? Moreover, getting their feedback as you go along your programs is also as crucial to know which areas you should improve at or whether their goals are still the same when you started. 

  • Make it Fun 

    Some health and wellness programs at work are not as effective since many employees think about it as an extension of their work. Be creative in designing and spearheading programs that address their health holistically. Try different activities that address your employees’ physical, mental, and social needs.  

Creating a culture of health takes time and a lot of effort, especially in the beginning. The value of cultivating healthy habits and a healthy mindset in your company is valuable not only for your business interests but more importantly for the relationships you build with your employees.