One of the key tasks of a property management team is to be prepared and protect their tenants in the event of a health crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only tested the existing protocols and guidelines of commercial and residential establishments, but it has also redefined some of the ways real estate developers and companies weigh the importance of the health, well-being, and safety of their occupiers.  

Experts say that a holistic approach is needed to battle and contain the coronavirus. More than self-isolation and staying at home, community-level measures should also be implemented, which can be more effective in fighting the spread of the virus.  

1. Limit movement  

The enhanced community quarantine was implemented to limit movement and effectively decrease the rate of the spread of the virus. Moreover, it is important to declare all recent travel for respective self-quarantine measures and contact tracing purposes.  

The Property Management Team of Tomodachi Premium Residences has encouraged its residents to declare any recent travels-domestic or international, to aid in the efforts of controlling the exposure of others with the virus. Residents are also being encouraged to stay indoors and limit their movement outside the premises. Moreover, residents are also asked to refrain from inviting guests and visitors following the community quarantine. Social gatherings are also prohibited until the ECQ has been lifted.  

2. Close all common areas  

To stop the spread of the virus and limit interaction, properties are advised to close down all common areas that are accessible to their tenants such as gyms, function rooms, roof decks, etc.   

Tomodachi Premium Residences has advised its residents that the pool area will be closed as a measure and reminder for them to remain indoors.  

3. Postpone renovation and repair  

All the renovation inside homes and units should be prohibited in the meantime. Emergency repairs that can potentially harm the residents or damage the property should be reported to the management of the property.  

4. Be up to date with verified and relevant news  

JEG Development Corporation ensures that the tenants in our existing properties are safe and protected against COVID-19. Its Property Management Team is in full alert to assess the situation and follow news developments about the virus that will help fight its spread in our communities.  

5. Communicate and coordinate with your Landlord   

During a crisis, it is important to keep the communication lines open between you and your landlord. Now more than ever, staying connected is crucial in overcoming such an event. The management may offer initiatives that can help you during the crisis and provide additional measures for your convenience. Some may even offer rent concessions as a consideration and help with what is currently happening.