How the COVID-19 pandemic pushes better workplace design and construction measures

It has been a year since the start of COVID-19 pandemic started and changed the dynamics of how people work and urban mobility. Many industries including design and construction have been affected and were forced to adopt new practices to ensure smoother and safer operations.

Holding meetings face-to-face to discuss the project and process of construction and actual site visits for easier progress monitoring used to be the norm. As most processes shifted online, it is important to note some of the changes that were implemented in consideration of public health and well-being.

Safety and Health Protocols

Apart from risk and hazard reduction measures strictly implemented on-site, safety and health protocols are now being factored in accordance with government directives. Many have turned to prefabrication to minimize the number of personnel or individuals present on site.

Most developers or property owners revisited the components of their developments. Air purification has been a big point of concern in most shared spaces like the office. Employing the use of HVAC systems and MERV filters in these spaces became the additional and proven layers of protection against the virus.

RELATED: MERV 13 Filters: Are they worth the investment?

The focus on health and wellness also urged more manufacturers to source for ways to have anti-microbial laminated surfaces. According to reports, using quartz and copper can also be useful for its microbes-repelling properties.

Contact tracing measures have also taken shape and are made accessible by scanning a QR code for a more touchless experience. This often leads to a health declaration form that ensures all individuals entering and exiting the premises are documented.

Advanced Technology

Automation has been a staple in designing workplaces and their facilities. Voice or motion-activated technology in office spaces and common areas such as elevators, copy rooms, restrooms, and meeting rooms can make for an environment that is safer to occupy.

This is why future-forward commercial establishments such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia are moving to leverage this technology to provide a smart and healthy workplace for their tenants and occupiers.

Placing contactless features through sensors in entryways and crowd-controlling systems in elevators have been useful considerations even in office and commercial towers due to the considerable foot traffic. Its Destination Oriented Allocation System (DOAS) elevators minimize contact and prevent probable cases of contamination. Long-range temperature scanners are also stationed in all entry points to ensure the physical fitness of all employees and guests.

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Sustainability and Green Features

To ensure employees’ health and wellness, the adoption of biophilic design and other green features when constructing buildings has been remarkable. Apart from the physical implications brought by the pandemic, more businesses are focusing on maintaining the stability of employees’ mental health.

Biophilic designed offices maximize the use of natural light and allow for better air quality that helps people to have higher cognitive performance. It also provides spaces that give access to better ventilation and an option of going outdoors without the risk of contracting the virus.

Premium-grade office developments such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia is one of the few estates that takes it a notch higher through its pioneering green roof—a relaxing space that features local flora and fauna that is made accessible to all occupants of their building.

The future of revolutionizing work and life balance has evolved beyond just aesthetically pleasing design. It is now inclusive of safeguarding the people who will be occupying and benefiting from this healthier and sustainable shift.

Want to learn more about JEG Tower @ One Acacia? Contact Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825-6884. For inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to

Future-Proof Workspaces: Office Must-Haves in the New Normal

As the world continues to battle the global health crisis, people realize the importance of safer and healthier spaces. While most businesses implement a more flexible working arrangement and offer remote work options, companies can take notes and prepare for the reopening of the economy in the post-pandemic era. 

Health experts and workplace strategists agree that office will no longer be the same in the new normal. And while it might look like a momentous change, property owners and developers can take advantage of the opportunity to design better and safer workspaces for their employees.

Better, safer, and healthier safe spaces require a few “must-haves” to ensure the overall well-being of its occupants.

Future-proof Workplace

With more employees being health-conscious, a future-proof workplace successfully incorporates sustainability, sophistication, and safety in its design and layout. Premium office spaces provide an additional layer of protection to its tenants against the virus and other threats to their holistic health.

Structural and technological upgrades help boost confidence and peace of mind, enforce protocols, and track activity for tenants to feel safer and be inspired at work.

Smart Technology and Automation

According to an article in June, many Filipino employees still look forward to returning to the office once their safety and health are guaranteed to be protected in the workplace. Research also shows that employees feel safer when common touchpoints are lessened or eliminated.

Smart offices are workspaces that utilize automated processes to enhance building operations, from air conditioning and heating, lighting, and security. All of these conveniences will start to be the standard in eliminating and reducing risks after the recent pandemic and other health threats.

READ MORE: Pushing Sustainable Offices: Leveraging smart technology for safety, productivity

Going contactless or touchless is one of the key features to consider for the smart office. Sensors, access cards, or recognition software can be utilized in the entry to and exit from the premises and its amenities. This will help reduce the risks of contamination and transmission in these spaces.

Office and commercial buildings that utilize top-grade amenities, such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia, protect its tenants by going limiting contact points in the workspace and shared areas. Tenants and visitors can enter through automatic sliding doors where they can scan QR codes for a hassle-free registration. In common area bathrooms, automatic faucets and flushing will be installed to make it hands-free or remove unnecessary surface contact.

Hospital-grade Environment

Diseases and viruses spread fast inside enclosed, poorly ventilated spaces like the office. In the longer term, many experts say that ensuring office spaces provide a ‘hospital-grade’ environment is more ideal for building owners and landlords.

JEG Tower @ One Acacia, utilize the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values or MERV filters that can capture particles in the air from 0.3 and 10 microns (µm). Higher value in MERV ratings leads to better filtration, fewer dust particles, and other airborne contaminants. It promotes a healthy breathing environment, and it will not allow the growth of bacteria, mold, mildew, or fungi. Some MERV filters can even filter pollen, dust, and microscopic droplets in the air to a certain extent.

RELATED: Why JEG Tower is the perfect new normal workplace

Premium-grade office developments, such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia, are pivoting their office re-entry strategies and offering safer and healthier spaces for businesses and tenants. This 22-storey green commercial development in Metro Cebu uplifts the health and wellness of its tenants.

Want to learn more about JEG Tower @ One Acacia? Contact Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825-6884. For inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to

Recovery Roadmap: Cebu City accelerates vaccination, relaxes entry protocol

The Cebu City government is eyeing to vaccinate at least 70 percent of its population by yearend, the city health office said. Averaging a total of 2,500 inoculations per day, the local government is hopeful that this target is attainable by December 2021.

After the city’s temporary suspension of inoculation due to the lack of supply, Cebu City resumed its vaccine rollout for its residents last Thursday, July 8. Local health data also showed that as of July 3. 277,514 residents have already registered to be vaccinated.

“We are praying for a fair allocation of vaccines for Cebu City. We have one million population. Our target is to vaccinate 700,000 of the residents, then we need more doses inasmuch as we don’t want to open, then close and open again our vaccination sites,” Dr. Jeffrey Ibones, head of the Cebu City Health Office said to the media.

Cebu City has also been prioritizing the opening of more vaccination sites to accommodate more individuals. Ibones stated that another vaccination site opened last July 2 in the mountain barangay of Cambinocot.

For other Cebu City vaccination sites, click here

Easing Travel Requirements

Following the decision of the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Cebu City is considering to ease its tourist entry requirements for fully vaccinated individuals. According to the resolution, those who have already received two doses of their COVID-19 vaccine are no longer required to present a negative RT-PCR test result upon entry to the island.

Local government officials have endorsed this domestic travel policy to Cebu City Mayor Edgardo Labella for final approval and implementation. Cebu City Councilor Joel Garganera, deputy chief implementer of the city’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC), added that loosening the requirements for domestic travelers could be seen as an “incentive,” and it could encourage people to register for vaccination as they would no longer have to complete the requirements when they decide to travel to other parts of the country.

As restrictions begin to relax and more residents get vaccinated, local businesses are optimistic for the speedy recovery of Cebu City’s economy, especially in the real estate sector. More premium-grade office developments, such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia, are pivoting their office re-entry strategies and offering safer and healthier spaces for businesses and tenants who want to take the opportunity to invest in Metro Cebu.

READ MORE: Why JEG Tower is the perfect new normal workplace

Want to discuss more business opportunities in Cebu City? Contact Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825-6884. For inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to

Greener Philippines: Achieving True Sustainability In Real Estate

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, leading property developers in the Philippines such as JEG Development Corporation have envisioned a greener approach to real estate. Apart from achieving premium green certifications such as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), achieving true sustainability has been a distinctive feature as more green developments get built.

In the US, more cities are moving toward achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2025. Improving energy efficiency and sustainability across the current real estate portfolio has been well integrated into the community and urban planning in many countries including the Philippines. The increased demand for better workplaces and sustainable spaces is also due to the remarkable improvement in employee satisfaction.

A US study shows that a 27% increase in satisfaction was reported when individuals are placed inside a healthy building. Using environmentally friendly materials and focusing on indoor air quality have been identified as the key health aspects considered by occupants.

True sustainability goes deeper than having green amenities or features as it can only be achieved through the full-life-cycle approach. According to the Life Cycle Initiative, sustainability should be integrated at all stages of the design and build. Emissions at any stage of designing and construction should be properly tracked to match the claim.

These green considerations must be of vital importance from sourcing or manufacturing materials used to the facilities and amenities placed in the development. The approach also covers the inclusion of green spaces, energy and water efficiency or consumption, and waste management.

Approach On Being Distinctively Green

In the Philippines, JEG Tower @ One Acacia is one of Cebu’s most sustainable estates as it goes beyond the definition of green. Apart from creating premium spaces for work, JEG Development Corporation believes that an occupant-focused and wellbeing-centric approach is impactful on an economic level.

Employing the full-life-cycle approach, the building is created from recyclable construction materials as it utilized steel and cement from coal-fire powerplant waste.

READ MORE: Sustainability Report: How does JEG Tower @ One Acacia contribute to the People, Planet, and Profit?

It also integrated efficiency beyond energy, water, and waste by making sure that it is designed sustainably. Its operable windows prioritized efficiency over aesthetics to provide many key benefits such as optimal indoor air quality by allowing the flow of fresh air and natural light to space.

JEG Tower @ One Acacia has also touched on sustainable transportation by providing ample bike racks and shower rooms for cyclists. They also started an incentivized bike program for JDC employees to encourage fitness and reduce carbon emissions accordingly.

In terms of greenery, the Grade A tower has allocated pocket gardens inside the building and is committed to providing unique outdoor spaces to its occupants. Its groundbreaking green roof will showcase and be home to plants endemic to Cebu.

As with any urban development, JDC has remained steadfast in its pursuit to push for sustainability that does not only provides beautiful spaces but will provide many benefits to its occupants and local communities.

Locate in the greenest and best workplace in Cebu today. Contact Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63)-917-825 6884 for listing inquiries and more information.

Cycling to Work: The Benefits of Sustainable Transport

The changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic served as a wake-up call for many people on how important it is to take care of one’s health and well-being. More than its impacts on the way people live and work, this global health situation became a reminder of how communities play an important role in prioritizing the health and safety of families and individuals.

 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a healthy community is a prepared community. The best way of preparing for potential outbreaks in the future is by ensuring that the health of the overall community. Experts say that even without the existence of health emergencies or threats, public health should be one of the main priorities of local authorities and national governments. This includes the continuous promotion of good nutrition, physical activity, and proper hygiene.

READ MORE: The Importance of Public Health in Communities

With the increased anxiety brought about by the pandemic, the way people have chosen to move has drastically changed. As public transportation became less ideal under strict social distancing and health protocols, BBC reported that individuals have returned to the most basic form of mobility: cycling or biking—leading to the “great bicycle boom of 2020.”

The momentum of the rising interest in non-motorized transport has led to a dramatic decrease in air pollution by 60%. The World Bank urged more countries to sustain the shift given its greater social benefits, pollution reduction, and better urban livability.

Pushing Forward Sustainable Transport

Apart from the increased demand, providing safer roads for bikers has been extremely challenging. High fatality rates were recorded due to the unreadiness of most cities when it comes to non-motorized vehicles. In the Philippines, cycling advocates have called for fund allocation of at least 16 million dollars from the government to build 190 miles of bike lane to protect riders. 

Biking groups also challenged the use of face shields while on the road as it obscures a biker’s vision. The Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities wants policymakers in the country to accommodate these alternative modes of transportation rather than fronting the dangers of cycling. 

The pushback enabled a key collaboration with private corporations. Through their concerted efforts, the Department of Transportation has recently released a bike manual. This covers road safety, courtesy, and etiquette between cyclists, motorists, and pedestrians based on guidelines aligned with key agencies such as the Department of Public Works and Highways, Department of Interior and Local Government, Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, and the Move as One Coalition. 

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Benefits and Sustainability of Biking

Several benefits for individuals who adopt the lifestyle change prove to be universal especially in countries that are committed to the shift. Apart from reducing the exposure from COVID-19, cycling is good for the economy as local retailers can benefit from all biking-related sales. 

With a global pandemic, the premium on keeping in shape and staying healthy has dramatically increased as well. Biking lets you engage in a low impact, adaptable exercise and proved to be a great way to lose weight as it burns approximately 400-700 calories per hour.

Sustainability is often attached to non-motorized vehicles due to a massive reduction in carbon footprint. Biking also results in a drop in air pollution, creating cleaner air and a healthier environment for all. It is also a more affordable option to move around and takes less time. 

There are also very real mental health benefits to riding a bike. In the UK, most individuals have found that it is a good way to destress and clear the mind while taking in your surroundings safely. Aerobic exercises such as cycling can lead to improved cognition and memory that will boost motivation and productivity at work.

With the impressive rundown of benefits, premium green workplaces in the Philippines such as JEG Tower have provided biking racks for their occupants. This encourages employees to cycle to work to reap the many health and economic benefits. Furthermore, they have shower rooms available for use so people can freshen up before they start the day’s work. 

As one of Cebu’s LEED-accredited office and commercial towers, it is committed to harnessing a healthy and less polluted environment by providing quality spaces that encourage sustainable practices while equally serving its local community. 

READ MORE: The GREEN Advantage: How do green buildings contribute to pandemic resilience?

Join the sustainable shift and make your move to the best and greenest workplace in Cebu. Contact Lorenzo Martin E. Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825–6884. For leasing inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to

Green growth: Why is Sustainability crucial for Cebu City

Next to Metro Manila, Cebu City is the second most populated area in the Philippines. Being the Visayan capital and the main economic stronghold outside Luzon, Metro Cebu rapidly became urbanized and dense as numerous BPO and multinational companies locate in the city and opened opportunities for locals and residents moving in from neighboring islands and provinces.

As the city’s corporate community expands, more commercial establishments were built and developed, especially in Cebu City’s main business district. However, an in-depth report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an independent organization that stimulates the economic progress and world trade, found that in order for the city to  keep  up  with  its  ‘rapid  urban  sprawl’ , sustainable real estate should be pushed in the city to encourage continued economic development while minimizing either negative ‘environmental externalities or the unsustainable consumption of natural resources and environmental assets’.

Sustainability in real estate has long been a standing movement in the industry. As the world became more aware of the importance of promoting health, wellness, and preserving the environment, the call for green real estate was also amplified in the Philippines, especially in Cebu.

Why is there a need for a greener Cebu?

In the same report by OECD, Metro Cebu’s economic steady economic growth and commercial real estate expansion are causing a strain on the other aspects of the city’s development. As mentioned in the report, the growth of Metro Cebu’s urban population has emphasized other potential weak spots in the city including an integrated public transportation system that can contribute to traffic congestion and pollution.

Keeping up with international building and commercial standards, homegrown developer JEG Development Corporation (JDC) advocates green buildings and sustainable real estate to raise the quality of work and office spaces within Cebu City. JEG Tower @ One Acacia is an award-winning commercial development, recognized for its state-of-the-art technology in promoting sustainability and health while complimenting its sophisticated design.

Led by third-generation Cebuano leaders, JDC pursues a more sustainable path as part of their contribution to their family’s legacy and to the green growth of the province. Chief Operating Officer Marko Sarmiento, Brand Manager Ayla Gomez, and Estate and Business Development Manager Stefan Garcia agree that guided by their company values, JDC’s main thrust is to enrich the lives of the communities where their properties are built.

“Integrity guides everything we do, and we are mindful of our impact on the environment and to the future generations of Cebuanos,” Gomez explained.

“We are a young and dynamic player in Cebu’s real estate industry, we’re making our contribution by having a long-term view in developing liveable and sustainable communities,” Sarmiento expressed in a previous interview. “We may be a relatively new player in the industry, but our local roots are strong and deep, which is why we are committed to always uplift Cebu through our properties especially with the many adjustments because of the pandemic,” he added.

Premium Standard in Green Real Estate

JEG Tower @ One Acacia is JDC’s flagship vertical project was the winner of the 2020 PropertyGuru Property Awards Philippines’ Best Green Commercial Development in the country. The 22-storey office and retail tower was also recognized by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) with a pre-certified Silver rating.

The tower uses green techniques and applies extensive plans for soil erosion, waste management, and air quality. Aiming to create a less polluted environment leads to better public health, which is very crucial in the post-pandemic era.

“By pivoting towards green development, Cebu would be a better place to live, work, and do business in, as this would reduce both pollution and illness by improving the air quality, waste management, and livability of our urban areas,” Garcia shared.

Discover why JEG Tower @ One Acacia is the best place to work in Cebu City. Contact Lorenzo Martin E. Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825-6884 to schedule a viewing today!

Safe Travel 101: Travelling to Cebu Amid the Pandemic

One year since being the epicenter of COVID-19 in the Philippines, Cebu is on its way to adjusting to ‘the new normal’. After successfully controlling cases and stopping re-surges from happening, the local government of Cebu is now allowing travel for business and leisure for domestic or local visitors.

According to the Inter-Agency Task Force, the whole province of Cebu, including Cebu City, is placed under Modified General Community Quarantine from May 1-31, 2020. Under this classification, essential and non-essential travel is permitted as long as tourists strictly observe the following guidelines.

  • All tourists entering Cebu through the Mactan-Cebu International Airport should be wearing face masks and face shields at all times, especially during their flight.
  • Necessary documents should be prepared and ready before boarding the plane. Passengers with incomplete documents will not be allowed to board.
  • All tourists should present a confirmed round trip plane tickets
  • All tourists should fill out and complete the Cebu Public Health Passenger Locator Form

The travel requirements and procedure implemented in Cebu City is stricter compared to the rest of the province. As set by the Cebu City LGU, the following are the travel requirements for APORs:

Travel Requirements | APOR

APOR, or Authorized Persons Outside of Residents are travelers to Cebu City for official business or employment. According to the guidelines of the IATF, the following are considered APORs:

  • Health and emergency frontline service personnel
  • Government officials and government frontline personnel
  • Duly authorized humanitarian assistance actors (HAAs)
  • Persons traveling for medical or humanitarian reasons
  • Persons going to the airport for travel abroad
  • Anyone crossing zones for work or business permitted in the zone of destination, and going back home


  • Negative RT-PCR result (Test must have been taken 3 days from the date of travel)
  • Safe, Swift, and Smart Passage (S-Pass) Registration (To register: Upload all documents to
  • Travel Coordination Permit (TCP) or Travel Thru Permit (TPP) QR

Government-employed or IATF members should also include their valid government identification and mission/travel order.

Travel Requirements | Tourists

To aid the economy of Cebu City, tourists with non-essential travel purposes are also allowed to go to the Visayan capital given that they present the following requirements:

  • RT-PCR Negative result (test must have been taken 3 days from the date of travel)
  • Safe, Swift, and Smart Passage (S-Pass) Registration. (To register: Upload all documents to
  • Travel Coordination Permit (TCP) or Travel Thru Permit (TPP) QR Code

Meanwhile, the latest directive from the provincial government of Cebu is not requiring APORs and domestic tourists to undergo mandatory testing or quarantine protocols as long as they present the following requirements:

  • Valid IDs
  • Medical Certificate
  • Approved pass after symptoms were checked and screened
  • Strictly comply with the minimum health standards during their stay

Government APORs are also required to have their original travel mission order by their respective superiors.

Other tips and reminders:

Get your RT-PCR Test from DOH-accredited laboratories

Only RT-PCR test results from DOH-accredited laboratories will be honored and considered as a valid requirement when entering Cebu City. Also, keep in mind that the negative test result should be within the 72-hour window prior to your date of travel.

Strictly observe health and safety protocols upon arrival and departure

Comply with the minimum health and safety standards implemented in the province at all times, from arrival to departure. Have all your travel documents readily available for checkpoints and inspections.

JEG Tower @ One Acacia is Cebu City’s newest PEZA accredited premium green building. With its sustainable and green features, the 22-storey commercial tower contributes to Cebu City’s resilience against pandemics and future disease outbreaks. Visit our website at to learn more.

PEZA Benefits in Cebu City

Cebu is one of the most ideal business locations for multinational companies who want to tap the regional market in the Philippines. Given its strategic geographic position, Cebu City is the Visayan economic center offering a rich real estate portfolio of commercial and retail developments.

With the government and private business sector’s support, Cebu has established itself as the main economic stronghold in the Visayan region, making it one of the key cities in the Philippines that can accommodate large-scale operations and adapt to their modern technological needs.

Complementing its bustling tourism industry, continuous infrastructure development, and a fresh pool of labor force, Cebu is an ideal option for local and international businesses. It is also one of the top destinations for IT companies, manufacturers, KPOs, and BPOs, recognized as a leading tech hub and a top destination for the call center industry.

RELATED: Choosing the Best Office Location in Cebu City

Why locate your business in a PEZA accredited building?

Even before the pandemic, many foreign companies have been investing in the Philippines for offshoring and outsourcing jobs to cut operational costs and tap a larger market. To encourage more foreign investment, the government provides benefits and incentives to foreign entities through the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA).

Companies located in IT Parks and special economic zones enjoy a list of incentives and benefits provided by PEZA. These benefits help companies to get the best return on their capital and investments.

Fiscal Incentives

  • Income Tax Holiday (100% exemption from corporate tax for n number of years) 
  • Tax-free & duty-free importation of capital equipment and raw materials 
  • Exemption from wharfage dues and export tax, impost, or fees 
  • VAT zero-rating of local purchases*  
  • Exemption from payment of all local government imposts, fees, licenses, or taxes 
  • Exemption from expanded withholding tax 

* Subject to compliance with requirements

Non-Fiscal Incentives

  • Simplified Import-Export Procedures  
  • Potential employment for non-resident foreign nationals*  
  • Issuance of Special Non-Immigrant Visa with Multiple Entry Privileges for non-resident foreign nationals 
  • Extended visa facilitation assistance to foreign nationals their spouses and dependents 

*Investor/s, officers, and employees in supervisory, technical, or advisory positions, and their spouses and unmarried children below 21 years old

JEG Tower is now PEZA accredited!

JEG Development Corporation’s maiden high-rise commercial development is now Cebu City’s newest PEZA Accredited premium building. This 22-storey tower is 2020’s Best Commercial Green Development, recognized by the PropertyGuru Philippines Property Awards. It was also shortlisted as the Best Office Development in the same year.

For more information on leasing, contact Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63) 917-852-6884. You can also send us an email at or reach out to us at (+63) 2-8403-5519.

Complementing Heritage with Innovation: How JEG Tower @ One Acacia gives more meaning to 500YOC

As Cebu celebrates the 500th anniversary of the promulgation of Christianity in the Philippines, JEG Development Corporation (JDC) complements this milestone with innovation as its maiden vertical development, JEG Tower @ One Acacia launches this year.

JEG Tower @ One Acacia, JDC’s maiden vertical and office real estate project, is symbolic of their almost three-decade history of giving back to the people of Cebu. While being one of the relatively new players in the local construction industry, JDC traces a long history of celebrating its homegrown roots through the legacy of its namesake, Jose E. Garcia, who also founded the company in 1994.

JDC Through the Years

Nine years from its foundation in 1994, JDC primarily served and functioned as a holdings company for the founder’s other business interests. In August 2003, the company shifted to a fully staffed and independently operating corporation, focusing on property development and real estate in Cebu. In the following year, JDC’s first venture in the industry was the construction of Blue Garden in Fulton Street, Lahug in 2004. It was a mixed-use development consisting of 3 commercial spaces, 3 townhouses, and residential properties, 10 studios, and a bachelor unit.

JDC’s second project, and probably one of the most memorable landmarks for the Cebuanos. One Acacia Place was one of the first strip malls in the city where families and friends spend to dine, shop, and bond during the weekends. It is easily recognized for its angular roof which followed the corner shape of its location: Acacia Street and Archbishop Reyes Avenue. Its remarkable feature, the old Acacia tree still stands today.

Another commercial project of JDC is The Gallery, which is perhaps JDC’s best-known property development in Cebu City. This mall strip is located at St. John Paull II Avenue, formerly known as Juan Luna Avenue. Since its construction and completion in 2008, it has become an entertainment landmark for families, friends, diners, and shoppers in the city. This was also the first real estate project done in partnership with Mai-l Resources Corporation and Architect Rene Ybañez.

When it comes to residential properties, JDC opens its doors to tenants in Cebu City through the Tomodachi Premium Residences, an exclusive community of 14 townhouses in Talamban, Cebu. This project was in collaboration with Architect Rene Ybañez, which aimed to design a living environment inspired by Japanese standards. Tomodachi Premium Residences entered the rental market in 2013.

After more than a decade of being a landmark in the City, One Acacia Place closed its doors to the public to give way to the construction of JEG Tower @ One Acacia, JDC’s award-winning 22-storey office and retail building.

Cebu City’s newest premium building has been named as 2020’s Best Green Commercial Development and was shortlisted for the Best Office Development by the PropertyGuru Philippines Property Awards. The establishment was also recently PEZA-accredited, enabling businesses to expand in Cebu and to the Visayan Region. 

With diverse real estate developments in Cebu City, JDC is a proud homegrown developer who always puts forward the well-being and welfare of their fellow Cebuanos.

“JDC’s main thrust has always been to enrich the lives of the communities where our properties are built. We may be a relatively new player in the industry, but our local roots are strong and deep, which is why we are committed to always uplift Cebu through our properties especially with the many adjustments because of the pandemic,” Marko Sarmiento, JDC’s Chief Operating Officer said.

LEED Certified 

Continuing the legacy of JEG, JEG Development Corporation aims to uplift the work-life balance and overall well-being of the Cebuanos through JEG Tower. It is one of the pioneers of sustainable real estate in the province, raising standards for developers and property owners in the area. 

READ MORE: Pushing Sustainable Offices: Leveraging smart technology for safety, productivity

JEG Tower is one of Cebu City’s first LEED Pre-Certified Silver green buildings that utilize lesser energy, conserves water, emits less greenhouse gases, and produces lesser construction waste. JDC is able to accomplish its commitment to the Cebuanos by constructing a state-of-the-art facility that utilizes 100% back-up power with 24/7 capability and VRF air conditioning.

Innovative Technology 

Being the newest premium green building in the Cebu business district, JEG Tower @ One Acacia was designed and constructed to operate using state-of-the-art technology. These are safeguards to ensure reduced negative environmental impacts and the promotion of its tenants’ health and well-being.  

JEG Tower utilizes smart technology in its office, retail, and common spaces to protect its tenants from the threats of the virus. The commercial tower uses MERV-13 air filters and Fresh Air System for optimal indoor air quality. DOAS or Destination Oriented Allocation System Elevators are also one of the world-class green features of JEG Tower as part of its pledge to sustainability and green real estate.

RELATED: The Future of Workplace: Contactless features and smart technology

Beyond disease prevention which is very important after the world experienced a pandemic, sustainability is supported by smart technology via more efficient use of energy.

JEG Tower @ One Acacia is the Garcia-Sarmiento family’s pledge to a better and healthier Cebu. As the city celebrates a milestone in its heritage, JEG Development Corporation’s vision to improve the real estate landscape is demonstrated through this state-of-the-art and sustainable project.

Learn more about JEG Tower @ One Acacia by contacting Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63)-917-825 6884. You may also call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to

JEG Tower @ One Acacia Set to Launch this Year

Amid the pandemic, JEG Tower @ One Acacia is finally nearing its completion and launch this year. Now with 97% of its structure done, the 22-storey premium green building is set to open its doors to the public by the first half of 2021.

The tower’s office and retail floors are already completed and are soon to be ready for turnover. Each office floor measures approximately 1,133 sq m, which can be leased whole or could be subdivided by prospect tenants.

JEG Tower @ One Acacia was hailed as the country’s Best Green Commercial Development and was shortlisted for Best Office Development at the PropertyGuru Property Awards in the Philippines last year. This milestone serves as a win for Cebu City’s expansion of sustainable development pipeline.

JEG Development Corporation (JDC)’s maiden high rise project is also the city’s newest PEZA accredited building. This LEED Silver Pre-certified building is also expected to achieve its Gold Certification from the US Green Building Council (USGBC) as it finishes construction this year.

Want to learn more about the best workplace in Cebu? Schedule a viewing today!

Unveiling of the Roof Deck Garden

What is left of the construction is the completion of the tower’s architectural crown jewel, its highly anticipated green roof deck on the 22nd floor. This distinct feature is one of JEG Tower’s dedicated green spaces, offering a breathable space for tenants and visitors in the building.

JEG Tower In Focus: Roof Deck Garden featuring Cebu’s Endemic Flora

As a proud homegrown real estate developer, JDC celebrates its Cebuano roots through its company and brand identity, especially through its high-rise venture in the real estate industry. The rooftop is set to feature purely endemic flora of Cebu such as:

  • White Kalachuchi Tree
  • Peacock Plant Shrub
  • Pandanus Shrub
  • Eugenia Shrub
  • Peace Lily
  • Yellow Iris

500YOC in Cebu

Complimenting legacy and heritage, the opening of JEG Tower @ One Acacia this year coincides with the celebration of the quincentenary of the establishment and promulgation of Christianity in the Philippines.

While relatively being one of the new kids on the real estate and construction block in Cebu City, JEG Development Corporation traces a long history of celebrating the Cebuano heritage through the legacy of its namesake, Jose E. Garcia, who also founded the company in 1994.


With diverse real estate developments in Cebu City, JDC is a proud homegrown developer who always puts forward the well-being and welfare of their fellow Cebuanos.

“JDC’s main thrust has always been to enrich the lives of the communities where our properties are built. We may be a relatively new player in the industry, but our local roots are strong and deep, which is why we are committed to always uplift Cebu through our properties especially with the many adjustments because of the pandemic,” Marko Sarmiento, JDC’s Chief Operating Officer said.

Recovering Economy

Many local economists are optimistic that Cebu’s economy will pick up soon as more and more people receive the vaccine. The Cebu Chamber of Commerce Industry (CCCI) has expressed its support to the government’s vaccination program, expressing that this will be the key to the local industry’s gradual economic recovery.

By introducing state-of-the-art technology and innovative sustainable features, JEG Tower @ One Acacia serves as a game-changer and pacesetter as businesses slowly transition back to normal operations in Cebu City.

READ MORE: JEG Development Corporation Underscores Sustainability as Key to Cebu’s Economic Recovery

“Even before the pandemic, we have always envisioned JEG Tower to be the game changer that challenges the perspective of businesses when it comes to the workplace,” the company’s Brand Manager Ayla Gomez added. “We want to encourage them to put a high priority to providing a healthier workplace, because we see the greater impact on our overall wellbeing and the world we live in,” Gomez said.

More than developing a premium green building, JDC strives to provide a healthy and safe space for the Cebuanos and business occupiers that will expand in Cebu.

“By pivoting towards green development, Cebu would be a better place to live, work and do business in, as this would reduce both pollution and illness by improving the air quality, waste management, and livability of our urban areas,” Stefan Garcia, JDC’s Estate Manager, shared. “JEG Tower is built using green techniques, with management plans for soil erosion, waste management, and air quality. A less polluted environment ensures better health, especially lung health, which proved to be a key factor for people during this pandemic,” he reiterated.

Stay tuned for JEG Tower @ One Acacia’s launch! Visit for more information.

Interested in leasing? Contact Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63)-917-825 6884. You may also call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to