One of the first things you must decide on when leasing an office is how much space your business needs to occupy in order to successfully operationalize. Unfortunately, there is no single formula business owners can use to compute the exact floor area they need to lease.

Consider the following factors instead:

Number and Types of Employees
The size of your future office should depend on the number and types of employees your company has. Consider the space they need in order to function productively and efficiently.

Office Layout
From stuffy and uniformed cubicle styled office layouts, workplace designs are now varied from open floor plans to colorful hubs that aim to be trendy and more functional. Open or traditional, which one are you going for?

Future of your business
In a few years, your business may have outgrown the space you’re planning on leasing. However, you need to have some forethought and decide where will your company be in the near future.

Beyond Offices

Your considerations for the size of your office should not end in allotting space for desks and computers. You should also think about shared spaces like meeting rooms, conference areas, and other venue where your employees can take a break and socialize. Studies show that providing your employees with ample space to take a break from work and away from their workstations improve their overall productivity and work ethics.

Company Culture

Lastly, you should account your identity as a company when deciding on how much space should your office occupy. Your company culture may manifest in the way you and your employees do and finish work, how you organize and communicate, and at the same time influence the dynamics that will take place in your office floor.