Why LEED is a big deal in the Philippines

As the emerging climate crisis continue to loom in the near future, sustainability and discussion of ecological conservation have been a matter of discussion around the world. In Asia, the Philippines is one of the countries in the region aiming to achieve the “Zero Energy Buildings” goal.

This goal is widely adopted by several countries their respective developers in response to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In the IPCC report, buildings can play a big role in halving global carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 to reduce the risk posed by the climate crisis.

To reach this goal, more premium has been placed on accredited green buildings in the Philippines through the internationally recognized US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. This enabled shift toward a greener and more sustainable estate that has placed a greater value in terms of climate resiliency, build quality, and overall tenant satisfaction.

The LEED certification has been competitive edge carried by selected buildings carefully assessed by the USGC. Here are some of the unique characteristics enjoyed by LEED-certified buildings:

  • Promoting cost efficiency and environmental conservation

LEED buildings often have unparalleled sustainable features during their full life cycle. It uses recyclable or natural resources in construction materials and has energy and water-efficient amenities without losing sight of tenant safety and comfort.

According to a 2014 Berkeley study, green buildings contribute fewer greenhouse gases by 50 percent. In the Philippines, some office and commercial buildings have adopted ecological-friendly designs to improve energy and water efficiency with rainwater collection and onsite renewable energy.

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Buildings become good investments with the smart use of resources and significantly 20% lower operating and maintenance costs as stated in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) report. These provide tangible benefits to property owners and developers in the long term.

  • Developing better buildings for better tenants

LEED buildings are known for implementing cutting-edge architectural design and smarter space design to meet sustainable and aesthetical standards. Despite the utilization of recyclable or renewable resources, tenant satisfaction and employee morale are boosted through its maximized use of natural lighting and the creative placement of green spaces that add to its overall aesthetic value.

In the US, asset value also increases as businesses are often willing to pay more just to stay in a LEED structure given its benefits in occupant safety and comfort. Attracting a better tenant pool since locating in a green building also helps most corporation or companies achieve their Environmental Social Governance (ESG) goals.

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  • Pushing for health and wellness

With the implications posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, public health and wellness became one of the top priorities of most companies. While green buildings are good for the environment, it has also contributed greatly to ensuring occupants or employees are better taken care of.

Through automation and a better filtration system, touchless fixtures and amenities are made available along with the improvement of the indoor environment and air quality. Cleaner air reduces the risk of transmission and prevention of respiratory illnesses.

Exposure to fewer toxins or pollutants and access to lush green spaces help reduce tress,resulting in a happier and more productive workforce.

Ready to be our partner for a greener future? Locate in a LEED building such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia today. Contact Lorenzo Martin E. Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825–6884. For leasing inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to info@kmcmaggroup.com.

Cycling to Work: The Benefits of Sustainable Transport

The changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic served as a wake-up call for many people on how important it is to take care of one’s health and well-being. More than its impacts on the way people live and work, this global health situation became a reminder of how communities play an important role in prioritizing the health and safety of families and individuals.

 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a healthy community is a prepared community. The best way of preparing for potential outbreaks in the future is by ensuring that the health of the overall community. Experts say that even without the existence of health emergencies or threats, public health should be one of the main priorities of local authorities and national governments. This includes the continuous promotion of good nutrition, physical activity, and proper hygiene.

READ MORE: The Importance of Public Health in Communities

With the increased anxiety brought about by the pandemic, the way people have chosen to move has drastically changed. As public transportation became less ideal under strict social distancing and health protocols, BBC reported that individuals have returned to the most basic form of mobility: cycling or biking—leading to the “great bicycle boom of 2020.”

The momentum of the rising interest in non-motorized transport has led to a dramatic decrease in air pollution by 60%. The World Bank urged more countries to sustain the shift given its greater social benefits, pollution reduction, and better urban livability.

Pushing Forward Sustainable Transport

Apart from the increased demand, providing safer roads for bikers has been extremely challenging. High fatality rates were recorded due to the unreadiness of most cities when it comes to non-motorized vehicles. In the Philippines, cycling advocates have called for fund allocation of at least 16 million dollars from the government to build 190 miles of bike lane to protect riders. 

Biking groups also challenged the use of face shields while on the road as it obscures a biker’s vision. The Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities wants policymakers in the country to accommodate these alternative modes of transportation rather than fronting the dangers of cycling. 

The pushback enabled a key collaboration with private corporations. Through their concerted efforts, the Department of Transportation has recently released a bike manual. This covers road safety, courtesy, and etiquette between cyclists, motorists, and pedestrians based on guidelines aligned with key agencies such as the Department of Public Works and Highways, Department of Interior and Local Government, Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, and the Move as One Coalition. 

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Benefits and Sustainability of Biking

Several benefits for individuals who adopt the lifestyle change prove to be universal especially in countries that are committed to the shift. Apart from reducing the exposure from COVID-19, cycling is good for the economy as local retailers can benefit from all biking-related sales. 

With a global pandemic, the premium on keeping in shape and staying healthy has dramatically increased as well. Biking lets you engage in a low impact, adaptable exercise and proved to be a great way to lose weight as it burns approximately 400-700 calories per hour.

Sustainability is often attached to non-motorized vehicles due to a massive reduction in carbon footprint. Biking also results in a drop in air pollution, creating cleaner air and a healthier environment for all. It is also a more affordable option to move around and takes less time. 

There are also very real mental health benefits to riding a bike. In the UK, most individuals have found that it is a good way to destress and clear the mind while taking in your surroundings safely. Aerobic exercises such as cycling can lead to improved cognition and memory that will boost motivation and productivity at work.

With the impressive rundown of benefits, premium green workplaces in the Philippines such as JEG Tower have provided biking racks for their occupants. This encourages employees to cycle to work to reap the many health and economic benefits. Furthermore, they have shower rooms available for use so people can freshen up before they start the day’s work. 

As one of Cebu’s LEED-accredited office and commercial towers, it is committed to harnessing a healthy and less polluted environment by providing quality spaces that encourage sustainable practices while equally serving its local community. 

READ MORE: The GREEN Advantage: How do green buildings contribute to pandemic resilience?

Join the sustainable shift and make your move to the best and greenest workplace in Cebu. Contact Lorenzo Martin E. Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825–6884. For leasing inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to info@kmcmaggroup.com.

How JEG Tower promotes occupant safety in the workplace

As part of JEG Development Corporation’s commitment to a holistic promotion of health and well-being, the company continues to invest in state-of-the-art technology that ensures the safety and protection of its tenants especially in the new normal.

Designed and constructed with the Cebuanos in mind, JEG Tower @ One Acacia offers more than its green features and amenities that contribute lesser negative impacts to the environment. Named as 2020’s Best Commercial Green Development, the 22-storey LEED Pre-certified Silver establishment utilizes one of the top-grade technologies to encourage proper and effective handwashing: the Dyson Airblade. 

READ MORE: Pandemic-Proof Workplace: How LEED buildings stand out 

The Dyson Airblade is a sensor-operated, touch-free hand dryer that is equipped with the HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filtration system that purifies the air that is used to dry hands. 

According to the World Green Building Council, green buildings could help in the fight against COVID-19 or any public health emergencies through two key elements: prevention and control.

The Department of Health (DOH) has emphasized that along with wearing face masks and physical distancing, proper hand hygiene remains one of the best defenses against the coronavirus. It also reduces the spread of bacteria and other harmful threats to the environment. This is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as studies found that the virus can ‘stay alive’ and be transmitted through surfaces.

Touch-free Technology

Dyson Airblade utilizes an infrared LED sensor technology that reduces skin to skin contact after washing hands. This touch-free system encourages the most hygienic user experience that is programmed to automatically detect and trigger HEPA purified air for drying.

Studies also show that damp hands can carry and transfer up to 1,000 times more bacteria than dry hands. With a 10-14 second dry time, Dyson Airblade hand dryers can reduce the transmission of bacteria up to 40%.

The Restroom Environment

Research has found that viruses can also thrive in indoor environments with poor air circulation and lower indoor air quality. Dyson Airblade hand dryers are built with HEPA filters that are proven to capture 99.97% of particles, including bacteria and viruses in the air. This helps in minimizing the duration of exposure to any potential infectious materials in any enclosed space.

Lower environmental impact

The Dyson Airblade hand dryers are also aligned with JDC’s push for green real estate and sustainability. This technology cuts up carbon dioxide emissions by up to 85% compared to other hand dryers. More than 90% of the hand dryer’s emissions come from in-use, meaning a faster drying cycle and less energy used. Energy-efficient hand dryers such as the Dyson Airblade also encourages up to 85% less usage of paper towels which means fewer trees are cut down and used in production.

Want to learn more about this technology? Reach out to Michael Glindro at (+63) 917-584-0443. You may also contact us at (+63) 2-8403-55-19 or info@kmcmaggroup.com.

Cebu’s Green Push: JEG Tower recognized in Philippine Property Awards

Cebu is home to JEG Tower @ One Acacia, which continues to be one of the leading green developments in the Philippines. The premier office and retail property is one of the finalists for the 8th PropertyGuru Philippine Property Awards for Best Office Development.

Setting itself apart, the iconic tower offers distinct environmentally friendly features and sophisticated design. With its aim to revolutionize work and life, JEG Tower @ One Acacia has successfully pivoted its estate to elevate the corporate profile and improve the overall occupant experience as it prioritizes public health and safety.

RELATED: JEG Development Corporation Underscores Sustainability as Key to Cebu’s Economic Recovery

Drawing the JEG distinction

The soon-to-be-completed office and retail tower has achieved a Silver pre-certified Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) accreditation. Committed to sustainability, JEG Tower is built from environmentally friendly materials such as low VOC content in paint, coating, sealant, adhesives, flooring systems used. They also utilized recyclable building materials for steel bars, glass façade, and cement that was uniquely sourced from coal wastes.

It also boasts of an energy-savings capacity of at least 12% with its enhanced interior space for maximum views and natural light and ventilation. They also installed a state-of-the-art HVAC system that exceeds ASHRAE 90.1 and ASHRAE 62.1—the international standard on human well-being and sustainable technology.

RELATED: Pandemic-Proof Workplace: How LEED buildings stand out

JEG Tower @ One Acacia also promises 32% reduced water usage by employing a rainwater catchment system and low plumbing fixtures. More efficient waste management is also implemented as it allocated space for Materials Recovery Facility, sewage treatment plant, and encourage proper recycling of paper, cardboard, plastic, metal, and glass.

The Cebuano sustainable developer has also allocated 20% of its space to green spaces for a better work environment and proper ventilation. Its first-of-its-kind green roof features a diverse collection of flora along with the iconic preservation of an acacia tree. These spaces will allow for relaxing midday breaks and can be a venue for wellness activities or social gatherings. A pocket garden is also placed in the lobby and plant boxes are placed in the carpark for better ventilation.

A move toward safety, public health

The World Green Building Council encouraged more workplaces to adjust their developments or implement building-based measures to address the concerns brought about by COVID-19. JEG Tower @ One Acacia has successfully transitioned with additional safety measures for the benefit of their occupants.

RELATED: JEG Tower Focus – Additional Safety Features for Disease Prevention

The iconic green tower is now equipped with automatic doors for a touchless or contactless entry. Two types of thermal scanners are also available for proper temperature and health monitoring for employees and visitors.

JEG Tower also has Destination-Oriented Allocated System (DOAS) elevators for less wait time and easier mobility around the building. Unique entry badges are assigned per car for an easier contact tracing mechanism.

Common areas such as restrooms are also armed with the best fixtures such as the Dyson Airblade. This hand dryer is the fastest and most hygienic, guaranteeing 79% less carbon dioxide production and a 76% reduction in paper towel use. It also boasts of a HEPA filter, anti-bacterial additives, and touch-free technology.

Find out how you can locate in JEG Tower today. Contact Michael Glindro at (+63) 917-584-0443 or send an email to mike.g@kmcmaggroup.com.