Building a Culture of Health and Wellness at Work

Now more than ever, companies put a higher emphasis on keeping their employees safe and healthy. Different measures on how to secure them inside the workplace have been implemented as offices start their re-entry programs. However, effective and sustainable wellness programs should not only be focused on workplace guidelines and protocols but should be deeply embedded in a company’s culture at work.   
A culture of health in the workplace supports and encourages healthy behaviors and is aligned to improve the employees’ overall well-being through the company’s policies, practices, and activities. Research shows that wellness programs are more likely to be successful if employees are engaged. Here are some ways on how you can cultivate a culture of health and wellness at your workplace: 

  • Lead by Example 

    Company leaders, managers, and heads should be role models in following and uplifting a healthier lifestyle at work. They should be advocates of an ideal work and life balance which should be something their employees should aspire for. If the leaders themselves are not participating in the programs, it will not be effective, and employees will not be engaged. 

  • Understand your Employee Demographics 

    Knowing your employees can make all the difference in launching workplace wellness campaigns. A well-structured and effective program addresses the needs and wants of your people. After all, culture should be defined by them in the first place. 

  • Identify a Clear Goal 

    It would be hard to implement something without a clear objective in sight. For employees to realize and appreciate the importance of your efforts to instill a culture of health and wellness at work, it is crucial to define a clear objective that is relevant to them.  

  • How can they benefit from such programs? Which areas of concern will be addressed through it? Set clear and defined goals that are easy to understand so that your employees can trust the process, participate, and be engaged. 

  • Get their Feedback 

    To set clear and correct goals, your employees’ input must be considered. Which areas of health do they want to focus on? How much of their time are they willing to allot for health and wellness activities? Moreover, getting their feedback as you go along your programs is also as crucial to know which areas you should improve at or whether their goals are still the same when you started. 

  • Make it Fun 

    Some health and wellness programs at work are not as effective since many employees think about it as an extension of their work. Be creative in designing and spearheading programs that address their health holistically. Try different activities that address your employees’ physical, mental, and social needs.  

Creating a culture of health takes time and a lot of effort, especially in the beginning. The value of cultivating healthy habits and a healthy mindset in your company is valuable not only for your business interests but more importantly for the relationships you build with your employees. 

Building A ‘Biophilic’ Office: What Is Biophilia And How Can It Benefit Your Business

As more companies and businesses recognize the importance of providing a workspace that would improve the health and wellness of their employees, ‘Biophilia’, or the term describing a love of life and living things, has been one of the emerging trends in interior design for offices in the world. The Biophilic office design includes features that aim to bring the outdoors in, especially in the workplace. 

In the previous year, the shift towards promoting a greener space in the office has been encouraged as studies find that incorporating biophilic design has a positive effect on the employees’ productivity, mood, and health. In fact, Human Space has reported that workplaces who have introduced elements of nature have witnessed a decrease in the levels of mental fatigue among staff members and an increase in levels of workplace wellbeing. 

Here are some ways that your business can incorporate biophilic design in your office: 

Introduce real and artificial plants  

Studies find that providing visual elements of nature within your workspace can help reduce stress and fatigue. In fact, mere exposure to green has a positive impact on creative performance, and at the same time, imparting a welcoming and relaxing environment. 

Adding real and artificial plants within your office premises does not only impact your office ambiance and aesthetics, but it can also effectively reduce unpleasant symptoms, such as headaches, coughing, and a general feeling of being unwell, as plants reduce dust, mold, and CO2 levels. 

Make the most of natural daylight 

While some may imagine traditional office spaces with bright artificial lighting, many companies prefer to locate in spaces with open windows providing natural lighting and giving views from the outside. 

A recent study has confirmed that natural light in your office improves productivity and the overall health of employees. “Light is the most important synchronizing agent for the brain and body,” said Ivy Cheung, one of the authors of a study finding the connection of daylight exposure to employee health and productivity. “Proper synchronization of your internal biological rhythms with the earth’s daily rotation has been shown to be essential for health.”  

To make the most of your office’s natural light, make sure windows aren’t fully covered by blinds, and that workers’ desks are faced towards windows, rather than away from them. 

Stick to neutral and natural color schemes 

One of the key components of biophilic design is utilizing natural colors and incorporating a neutral color palette to the space itself. Interior designers say that biophilic design uses earth colors and tones such as greens, browns, golds, and tans, as well as blues and whites to mimic the sky and the sea. 

Add wood, stone, and granite details 

Studies find that tactile senses can play a huge role in adding biophilic elements in the office. Adding wood, stone, granite, and marble help in bringing the outside inside the enclosed office space. These materials can be incorporated as finishes on the likes of pillars, shelves, cupboards, and desks.  

Utilize available outdoor areas 

Office locations that offer outdoor spaces such as rooftops, balconies, and gardens can be more beneficial for businesses that are looking to adapting a biophilic workplace design. Add some comfortable seating and tables so staff can work outdoors when the weather permits as this access to natural light and fresh air have numerous benefits to your employees including increased productivity, creativity and wellbeing. 

Looking for an office space in Cebu City? Discuss your options with Lorenzo Rodriguez through (+63) 917-852-6884. For more information, send us an email at or reach out to us through (+632) 8403-5519.

Source: KMC Website