Waste reduction is one of the most important facets of conserving resources and adapting green initiatives in the workplace. Over the years, companies have become more aware of the impacts of businesses on the environment and have pledged their support and cooperation in helping combat the worsening condition of climate change. From choosing to locate in green buildings to incorporating a biophilic workplace design, committing to help in saving the environment can be simple yet valuable.
Here are some ways you can reduce office waste:
Smart use of paper
For some, paper is still a necessity in day to day business. With the continuous advancement of technology, businesses can implement strategies that promote a smarter usage of paper and printing:
- Print in draft mode to use less ink
- Use both sides of paper
- Shred scratch papers and use it as fillers in packages
- Buy refilled cartridges of toner and ink to reduce metal and plastic waste in landfills
- Provide paper recycling bins near workstations

Other companies, and even local government units in the Philippines, are even turning into paperless institutions. This eco-friendly digitalization is an initiative to significantly reduce paper consumption for transactions and a commitment to promote the conservation of natural resources to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.
Provide reusable utensils and water bottles

Providing your employees with reusable water bottles and utensils does not only look good for your branding, but it will also be a great initiative to promote waste reduction in the workplace. Tons of plastic can be cut off from disposable spoons, forks, and plastic water bottles.
Offer better transportation options
Your employees’ commute to the office is also a great area for you to promote waste reduction. Encourage employees to walk or bike to work by offering shower rooms and changing areas. For employees who live farther, organize a carpool program and get them connected.
Recycle e-waste
Old and irreparable mobile phones, computers, printers, and other equipment can often be recycled. Look for recycling programs and companies who buy these scrap materials in your area that accept these kinds of materials. Your company can also hold a collection drive for the employees’ personal damaged devices they would want to donate.
Locate in a green building
Offices that are based in a green building impact the environment more positively than those who are in regular office buildings. Sustainable structures, LEED buildings to be more specific, follow and observe certain standards that are beneficial to the environment. These green structures use less water, energy and emit fewer greenhouse gases without compromising the usual operational needs of businesses.
The company’s role in adapting green practices within the office and instilling the green mindset to their employees is very crucial. These small efforts and policies may be simple, but they can make a large difference if done collectively.

JEG Development Corporation, the name behind JEG Tower @ One Acacia, is one of the few frontrunners of the green revolution in Cebu. Being a family-run business for generations, the company has committed to promoting eco-friendlier options and solutions in their line of businesses. JEG Tower @ One Acacia is Cebu City’s newest premium green buildings. Expected to open in 2020, it looks forward to revolutionizing work and life balance by providing a working environment that uplifts its tenants’ health and wellness and promoting sustainable real estate in the province.
Interested in leasing a commercial space in a premium green building? Contact Michael Glindro at (+63) 917-584-0443. For more information, send us an email at info@kmcmaggroup.com or reach out to us through (+632) 8403-5519.