Workplace Wellness Trends for 2022

The global health crisis has significantly highlighted the importance of health and well-being in a community setting. While public health has been one of the priorities of the government, COVID-19 emphasized how it should be a core concern when it comes to urban development and economic recovery.

In 2022, more companies are looking for sustainable and resilient solutions to better protect and better equip their workforce physically and mentally. Beyond pandemic resilience, the new normal office puts the spotlight on workplace wellness and safety for employees and building tenants. Here are some workplace wellness trends to expect in 2022:

Reinforcing Work-Life Balance

Prolonged lockdowns have left companies in and outside the Philippines to offer more flexible work arrangements. Contrary to the typical 8-5 office setup, many have enjoyed spending more time at home through a remote work setup, enabling them to reinforce work and life balance. This trend is expected to continue next year, as many companies consider decentralizing their workforce and provide more flexible options for their employees.

A hybrid office model means a mix of office and work-from-home setup, allowing employees to do more things outside of work. A study in the US revealed that the pandemic has significantly improved their work-life balance. Out of 1,010 respondents, 83% said that they currently have a positive work-life balance because of more flexible work options.

Focus on Mental Health & Stress Management

The new normal presents an opportunity to provide a better work environment for employees and support their mental well-being. Many studies show that office spaces impact the mental health and cognitive function of employees, especially as they face more stress and anxiety while working. According to research, employees inside a confined space for extended periods of time can suffer from mental burnout, demotivation, and added stress.

In a study, a healthy workforce can improve output due to lower stress levels and employee absences. A more holistic approach is also encouraged by some experts. In the same report, the corporate wellness program can go beyond physical, mental, social, and emotional needs. Mental health is an aspect that is most often overlooked by employees and employers alike.

Primary Care Benefits

Employees expect a more comprehensive healthcare and protection benefits from their employees in 2022. As the majority realized the importance of putting their health first and at the top of their priorities, one of the emerging trends in the new normal is the inclusion of primary care to the employees’ benefits moving forward.

Healthier Workspaces

With more employees being health-conscious, a future-proof workplace successfully incorporates sustainability, sophistication, and safety in its design and layout. Premium office spaces provide an additional layer of protection to its tenants against the virus and other threats to their holistic health.

Structural and technological upgrades help boost confidence and peace of mind, enforce protocols, and track activity for tenants to feel safer and be inspired at work.

Premium green buildings and commercial developments, such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia, ensure that the workplace gives utmost importance to the health, safety, and holistic well-being of its tenants. With offices designed to integrate sustainability and sophistication, employees can enjoy green features that provide greater support for employees to their psychosocial needs.

READ MORE: Why JEG Tower is the perfect new normal workplace

Want to learn more about how the workplace can support employee well-being? Contact Gerold Fernando at (+63) 917-565-3547. For leasing inquiries and more information, send an email to

How Green Buildings Improve Indoor Air Quality and Provide A Healthier Working Environment

The campaign for cleaner air has been ongoing for years as the world battles air pollution. As the global health crisis continues, studies have been linking the spread of the pandemic with the bad air quality According to research from Harvard University, dirty air makes any virus more lethal.  

Working with different sectors, the World Green Building Council (WGBC) has long been combatting global air pollution by developing and setting standards for buildings and infrastructures. According to the World Green Building Council, now more than ever, green buildings play a very significant role in preventing and controlling viruses within communities and work environments.

The WGBC believe that sustainable buildings and cities are a key part of the solution that ‘reduces both the health and environmental impacts’ of air pollution. The organization has set guidelines on how green buildings can ensure the best indoor air quality within the property’s premises. In fact, one of the categories and criteria for a LEED Certification is indoor air quality. 

“Indoor air quality is one of the important criteria of LEED. It focuses on designing the ventilation and air-conditioning system to provide clean air into the building,” Michael Glindro, LEED AP BD+C said. “One of the ways to improve indoor air quality is to install high-MERV filters to reduce indoor air pollutants. This criterion focuses on the People aspect of the triple bottom line of LEED; People, Planet, Profit.


LEED-certified buildings, like JEG Tower, were designed, constructed, and operates to high standards for health and cleanliness, they reduce the risk of exposing its tenants to infection, effectively preventing the spread of the virus within the building.  

USGBC requires green buildings to control the collusion of air and pollutants as well as the exhaust backflow of kitchens and bathrooms. Green buildings are also designed to set up effective water seals to reduce the risk of virus transmission through drainage pipes, optimizes the building space and plane layout to enhance the effectiveness of natural ventilation. Green buildings can also regulate and control air conditioning systems by zones and have a well-designed site wind environment for the dissipation of viruses and harmful gases.  

RELATED: In Focus: Cebu to Launch its first Sustainable ‘Smart Building’ Soon 

As regulated by the WGBC, green buildings are designed to regulate the water and air quality, fitness and antibacterial function building materials to promote occupant’s health to reduce the risk of getting the disease and enhance the ability to resist viruses.   

JEG Tower in Cebu uplifts the health and wellness of its tenants. Committed to revolutionizing work and life balance, the building has designed office spaces to maximize the use of natural daylight, allow better airflow within the space, and organize initiatives to encourage healthier living for everyone. 

RELATED: JEG Tower @One Acacia: Bring Work to Life this 2020 

Aside from protecting its tenants from virus cross-infection and improving their health, better indoor air quality also upgrades the working environment for office buildings. 

“Improving indoor air quality has been shown to increase business productivity through being a factor in reducing absenteeism due to health issues,” Glindro said. “After all, we do spend a majority of our day in the office so taking steps into creating a healthy work environment will benefit the triple bottom line.” 

Premium green buildings emphasize the importance of uplifting the quality of life of its tenants by ensuring that the highest standards for health and safety are observed and followed.