How the COVID-19 pandemic pushes better workplace design and construction measures

It has been a year since the start of COVID-19 pandemic started and changed the dynamics of how people work and urban mobility. Many industries including design and construction have been affected and were forced to adopt new practices to ensure smoother and safer operations.

Holding meetings face-to-face to discuss the project and process of construction and actual site visits for easier progress monitoring used to be the norm. As most processes shifted online, it is important to note some of the changes that were implemented in consideration of public health and well-being.

Safety and Health Protocols

Apart from risk and hazard reduction measures strictly implemented on-site, safety and health protocols are now being factored in accordance with government directives. Many have turned to prefabrication to minimize the number of personnel or individuals present on site.

Most developers or property owners revisited the components of their developments. Air purification has been a big point of concern in most shared spaces like the office. Employing the use of HVAC systems and MERV filters in these spaces became the additional and proven layers of protection against the virus.

RELATED: MERV 13 Filters: Are they worth the investment?

The focus on health and wellness also urged more manufacturers to source for ways to have anti-microbial laminated surfaces. According to reports, using quartz and copper can also be useful for its microbes-repelling properties.

Contact tracing measures have also taken shape and are made accessible by scanning a QR code for a more touchless experience. This often leads to a health declaration form that ensures all individuals entering and exiting the premises are documented.

Advanced Technology

Automation has been a staple in designing workplaces and their facilities. Voice or motion-activated technology in office spaces and common areas such as elevators, copy rooms, restrooms, and meeting rooms can make for an environment that is safer to occupy.

This is why future-forward commercial establishments such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia are moving to leverage this technology to provide a smart and healthy workplace for their tenants and occupiers.

Placing contactless features through sensors in entryways and crowd-controlling systems in elevators have been useful considerations even in office and commercial towers due to the considerable foot traffic. Its Destination Oriented Allocation System (DOAS) elevators minimize contact and prevent probable cases of contamination. Long-range temperature scanners are also stationed in all entry points to ensure the physical fitness of all employees and guests.

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Sustainability and Green Features

To ensure employees’ health and wellness, the adoption of biophilic design and other green features when constructing buildings has been remarkable. Apart from the physical implications brought by the pandemic, more businesses are focusing on maintaining the stability of employees’ mental health.

Biophilic designed offices maximize the use of natural light and allow for better air quality that helps people to have higher cognitive performance. It also provides spaces that give access to better ventilation and an option of going outdoors without the risk of contracting the virus.

Premium-grade office developments such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia is one of the few estates that takes it a notch higher through its pioneering green roof—a relaxing space that features local flora and fauna that is made accessible to all occupants of their building.

The future of revolutionizing work and life balance has evolved beyond just aesthetically pleasing design. It is now inclusive of safeguarding the people who will be occupying and benefiting from this healthier and sustainable shift.

Want to learn more about JEG Tower @ One Acacia? Contact Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825-6884. For inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to

Sustainability Construction and Design Trends 2021

Sustainability was one of the most defining shifts in the real estate industry in 2020. As more businesses realize the importance of health and well-being, this trend in design and construction shows no signs of slowing down this year. Construction and design professionals are also working to build more planet-friendly structures that would benefit communities as a whole.

Here are some green trends in construction and design to expect this year:

Green Materials and Increased LEED applications

As more people realize the benefits of staying and locating in a green building, many developers will aim for LEED certification for their commercial and residential developments. More green materials will be used and prioritized in construction to help property owners achieve this certification.

Green materials such as wood, bamboo, natural fibers, non-VOC paints, fiber cement, among others will be utilized by developers and contractors for their health and practical benefits. Experts say that as more people realize the connection between their environment and their wellness, many will opt to return to using materials that originate from nature rather than highly processed and synthetic options.

Biophilic Design

Many offices will be inspired by biophilic features and design in workstations and shared spaces. Biophilic spaces do not only use eco-friendly materials, it also promote a healthier lifestyle by bringing nature and its elements back into buildings.

Studies found that incorporating biophilic design in the workplace has a positive effect on the employees’ productivity, mood, and health. Work environments that feature elements of nature can contribute to a decrease in the levels of mental fatigue and an increase in levels of workplace well-being.

RELATED: The Importance of Biophilic Design in a Post-Lockdown Office

A biophilic office design will continuously be in trend for this year since businesses prioritize the health and safety of their employees as they start coming back to the office amid the threats of the COVID-19 pandemic. More than strict precautionary measures protecting physical health, employers should also cater to the emotional and mental well-being of their people.

Vernacular Architecture

Vernacular Architecture will also be one of the sustainable construction and design trends for this year. More developments will be using locally produced and available construction materials. This real estate trend will also inspire design that will not only pay homage to the history and culture of a place but would also increase the efficiency of material procurement and production. This type of construction is sustainable as vernacular design stresses utilizing materials within reach from the site, which in turn cuts down on transportation cost and reduces the chance of shortage of materials.

Water Conservation Measures

Commercial buildings will be more aware of their water conservation measures in 2021 as there is more awareness of the predicted shortage of fresh water supply in some regions of the world. Installing rainwater collecting and management facilities and installing green roofs is a sustainable design and construction solution for this imminent environmental problem.

READ MORE: How Green Roofs Help the Environment

Passive Building Design

Logically designing a building to maximize as many natural resources is also one of the sustainable trends in construction this year. Allowing more natural light by building larger windows or orienting a structure in such a way that wind flows will lead to lesser utility costs and lesser energy emissions in the long run. Little adjustments and changes in the design of a development can go a long way to reducing the energy requirements of the building and would also benefit its occupants.

JEG Development Corportation is one of the frontrunners of sustainability in the Philippines. Its first vertical commercial development, JEG Tower @ One Acacia is where sustainability meets sophistication. The 22-storey office and retail tower is LEED Silver Pre-certified and is designed for providing an optimal working environment for its tenants.

JEG Tower @ One Acacia is also 2020’s Best Commercial Green Development in the 8th Property Guru Philippine Property Awards. Recognizing the tower’s world-class green features and amenities, JDC is the first local Cebuano company to win this award. JEG Tower was also shortlisted for Best Office Development in the same year.

Learn more about how the building’s design and construction benefit the environment and its occupants. Contact Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63) 917-852-6884. For more information on leasing, send us an email at or reach out to us through (+632) 8403-5519.