Why LEED is a big deal in the Philippines

As the emerging climate crisis continue to loom in the near future, sustainability and discussion of ecological conservation have been a matter of discussion around the world. In Asia, the Philippines is one of the countries in the region aiming to achieve the “Zero Energy Buildings” goal.

This goal is widely adopted by several countries their respective developers in response to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In the IPCC report, buildings can play a big role in halving global carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 to reduce the risk posed by the climate crisis.

To reach this goal, more premium has been placed on accredited green buildings in the Philippines through the internationally recognized US Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. This enabled shift toward a greener and more sustainable estate that has placed a greater value in terms of climate resiliency, build quality, and overall tenant satisfaction.

The LEED certification has been competitive edge carried by selected buildings carefully assessed by the USGC. Here are some of the unique characteristics enjoyed by LEED-certified buildings:

  • Promoting cost efficiency and environmental conservation

LEED buildings often have unparalleled sustainable features during their full life cycle. It uses recyclable or natural resources in construction materials and has energy and water-efficient amenities without losing sight of tenant safety and comfort.

According to a 2014 Berkeley study, green buildings contribute fewer greenhouse gases by 50 percent. In the Philippines, some office and commercial buildings have adopted ecological-friendly designs to improve energy and water efficiency with rainwater collection and onsite renewable energy.

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Buildings become good investments with the smart use of resources and significantly 20% lower operating and maintenance costs as stated in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) report. These provide tangible benefits to property owners and developers in the long term.

  • Developing better buildings for better tenants

LEED buildings are known for implementing cutting-edge architectural design and smarter space design to meet sustainable and aesthetical standards. Despite the utilization of recyclable or renewable resources, tenant satisfaction and employee morale are boosted through its maximized use of natural lighting and the creative placement of green spaces that add to its overall aesthetic value.

In the US, asset value also increases as businesses are often willing to pay more just to stay in a LEED structure given its benefits in occupant safety and comfort. Attracting a better tenant pool since locating in a green building also helps most corporation or companies achieve their Environmental Social Governance (ESG) goals.

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  • Pushing for health and wellness

With the implications posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, public health and wellness became one of the top priorities of most companies. While green buildings are good for the environment, it has also contributed greatly to ensuring occupants or employees are better taken care of.

Through automation and a better filtration system, touchless fixtures and amenities are made available along with the improvement of the indoor environment and air quality. Cleaner air reduces the risk of transmission and prevention of respiratory illnesses.

Exposure to fewer toxins or pollutants and access to lush green spaces help reduce tress,resulting in a happier and more productive workforce.

Ready to be our partner for a greener future? Locate in a LEED building such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia today. Contact Lorenzo Martin E. Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825–6884. For leasing inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to info@kmcmaggroup.com.

Cultivating Green Traditions: JEG Development Corp. holds 5th annual tree planting activity in Cebu

JEG Development Corporation (JDC) held its 5th annual tree planting activity in Tabunan, Cebu City last Saturday, September 25.

In line with the company’s vision to promote sustainability and the protection of the environment, the homegrown Cebuano developer has been actively spearheading similar events that encourage a hands-on approach for its leaders, employees, and personnel.

“Tree planting is one of the simplest but most impactful ways to give back to nature and help ensure that Cebu’s greenery continually expands and thrives for generations to come,” Ayla Gomez, JDC’s Brand Manager shared. “The activity also fosters camaraderie with the employees and helps them put into action what our core values are.”

This year, JDC and JEG Tower @ One Acacia employees planted Guyabano tree seedlings which also aims to provide food for wild animals and sustain the local ecosystem. Guided by the company’s core values, this annual event is their commitment to a multi-generational perspective in leading the organization.

“We always encourage them to bring their kids, significant others, and family members along to pass on the traditions and learnings to the next generation. Through the years, it has become a family bonding experience that leaves everyone feeling proud and encouraged to keep protecting our home,” Gomez added.

JDC is also the name behind JEG Tower @ One Acacia, Cebu City’s newest premium green building. This 22-storey LEED Gold certified commercial and office building is the company’s maiden high-rise development that offers world-class workspaces that revolutionize work and life balance.

Named 2020’s Best Green Commercial Development in the Philippines, JEG Tower is an upcoming crown jewel in Cebu City’s skyline with its unique rooftop garden, iconic shape and layout, and the latest workplace technology.

Its outstanding green features, sustainable design and construction practices led to its LEED Gold certification, making it one of the standard-bearers of the developer’s commitment to green real estate. The tower uses green techniques and applies extensive plans for soil erosion, waste management, and air quality. Aiming to create a less polluted environment leads to better public health, which is very crucial in the post-pandemic era.

Want to learn more about how JEG Tower @ One Acacia promotes sustainability in the Philippines? Reach out to Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63)-917-825 6884. For listing inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to jegtower@kmcmaggroup.com.

How JEG Tower @ One Acacia promotes environment protection & conservation

As one of the frontrunners of sustainability in the Philippines, JEG Development Corporation (JDC) is committed to building a greener and more livable Cebu. Guided by the company’s vision and pledge to provide safe spaces to the Cebuanos and advocate for their holistic well-being, the homegrown real estate company conceptualized and built JEG Tower @ One Acacia, an award-winning premium green building in the heart of the Cebu Central Business District.

JEG Tower @ One Acacia aims to revolutionize work and life balance. Even before the global health crisis highlighted the importance of safe public spaces, the 22-storey premium office and commercial building was designed to uplift the physical and mental health of its tenants and occupants.

Award-winning LEED-certified Building

Recognized as the Philippines’ Best Green Commercial Development in 2020, JEG Tower @ One Acacia is the best place to work in Cebu City. It is currently one of Metro Cebu’s newest premium green buildings that is LEED Pre-certified Silver, offering office and retail spaces that were built according to the world-class standards of the US Green Building Council. This high-rise project was specifically designed towards sustainability and would operationalize as energy-efficient as possible.

Being the second most populated urban area of the Philippines after Metro Manila, Cebu City serves as the economic center of the Visayan region and the biggest outside the country’s capital. The expansion of the IT-BPM industry in key areas in the Philippines has also significantly increased the demand for office and retail spaces. JEG Tower @ One Acacia offers additional Grade A office spaces in the CBD, without further contributing to the negative impacts of commercial spaces in the city.

READ MORE: Why Locate your Business in a LEED-certified Office Building?

Why should Cebu City Invest in Green Roofs?

Designed with sustainability and sophistication in mind, JEG Tower @ One Acacia stands out in the Cebu City skyline with its green roof and garden. This architectural feature offers a dedicated green space in the middle of the cityscape to tenants and visitors of the buildings, highlighting endemic flora species in Cebu.

According to local environmental reports, deforestation is one of the main environmental issues in the province because of population growth, rampant urbanization, and small-scale mining. Air pollution has also been a pressing issue in the city, being officially declared ‘unhealthy’ by the Environment Management Bureau in Region 7.

RELATED: How Green Roofs Help the Environment

Having a green roof is an effective way of minimizing the risks of these environmental issues and building better biodiversity in urban areas. Many experts campaign for the creation of more green spaces within cities to reduce the number of polluting air particles and compounds. This can also contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the production of more oxygen.

Building green roofs also benefit the building’s tenants and occupiers by contributing to sound reduction, improves workplace aesthetic, reduces ambient temperature, and regulates indoor temperature.

JEG Tower @ One Acacia takes pride in being one of the most environmentally friendly commercial establishments, not only in Cebu City but also in the rest of the Philippines. In a sustainability report, JDC quantifies how much difference a premium green building like JEG Tower promotes the protection and conservation of the environment through its world-class design, top-grade green features and amenities, as well as programs that aim to inspire others to do the same.

The 22-storey premium commercial development serves as the symbol of JEG Development Corporation’s commitment to giving back to the Cebuanos by promoting sustainable and green real estate.

Want to learn more about the tower’s commitment to the environment and sustainability? Contact Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825-6884. For listing inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to jegtower@kmcmaggroup.com.

Future-Proof Workspaces: Office Must-Haves in the New Normal

As the world continues to battle the global health crisis, people realize the importance of safer and healthier spaces. While most businesses implement a more flexible working arrangement and offer remote work options, companies can take notes and prepare for the reopening of the economy in the post-pandemic era. 

Health experts and workplace strategists agree that office will no longer be the same in the new normal. And while it might look like a momentous change, property owners and developers can take advantage of the opportunity to design better and safer workspaces for their employees.

Better, safer, and healthier safe spaces require a few “must-haves” to ensure the overall well-being of its occupants.

Future-proof Workplace

With more employees being health-conscious, a future-proof workplace successfully incorporates sustainability, sophistication, and safety in its design and layout. Premium office spaces provide an additional layer of protection to its tenants against the virus and other threats to their holistic health.

Structural and technological upgrades help boost confidence and peace of mind, enforce protocols, and track activity for tenants to feel safer and be inspired at work.

Smart Technology and Automation

According to an article in June, many Filipino employees still look forward to returning to the office once their safety and health are guaranteed to be protected in the workplace. Research also shows that employees feel safer when common touchpoints are lessened or eliminated.

Smart offices are workspaces that utilize automated processes to enhance building operations, from air conditioning and heating, lighting, and security. All of these conveniences will start to be the standard in eliminating and reducing risks after the recent pandemic and other health threats.

READ MORE: Pushing Sustainable Offices: Leveraging smart technology for safety, productivity

Going contactless or touchless is one of the key features to consider for the smart office. Sensors, access cards, or recognition software can be utilized in the entry to and exit from the premises and its amenities. This will help reduce the risks of contamination and transmission in these spaces.

Office and commercial buildings that utilize top-grade amenities, such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia, protect its tenants by going limiting contact points in the workspace and shared areas. Tenants and visitors can enter through automatic sliding doors where they can scan QR codes for a hassle-free registration. In common area bathrooms, automatic faucets and flushing will be installed to make it hands-free or remove unnecessary surface contact.

Hospital-grade Environment

Diseases and viruses spread fast inside enclosed, poorly ventilated spaces like the office. In the longer term, many experts say that ensuring office spaces provide a ‘hospital-grade’ environment is more ideal for building owners and landlords.

JEG Tower @ One Acacia, utilize the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values or MERV filters that can capture particles in the air from 0.3 and 10 microns (µm). Higher value in MERV ratings leads to better filtration, fewer dust particles, and other airborne contaminants. It promotes a healthy breathing environment, and it will not allow the growth of bacteria, mold, mildew, or fungi. Some MERV filters can even filter pollen, dust, and microscopic droplets in the air to a certain extent.

RELATED: Why JEG Tower is the perfect new normal workplace

Premium-grade office developments, such as JEG Tower @ One Acacia, are pivoting their office re-entry strategies and offering safer and healthier spaces for businesses and tenants. This 22-storey green commercial development in Metro Cebu uplifts the health and wellness of its tenants.

Want to learn more about JEG Tower @ One Acacia? Contact Lorenzo Rodriguez at (+63) 917-825-6884. For inquiries and more information, call us at (+63) 2-8403-5519 or send an email to info@kmcmaggroup.com.

Safe Travel 101: Travelling to Cebu Amid the Pandemic

One year since being the epicenter of COVID-19 in the Philippines, Cebu is on its way to adjusting to ‘the new normal’. After successfully controlling cases and stopping re-surges from happening, the local government of Cebu is now allowing travel for business and leisure for domestic or local visitors.

According to the Inter-Agency Task Force, the whole province of Cebu, including Cebu City, is placed under Modified General Community Quarantine from May 1-31, 2020. Under this classification, essential and non-essential travel is permitted as long as tourists strictly observe the following guidelines.

  • All tourists entering Cebu through the Mactan-Cebu International Airport should be wearing face masks and face shields at all times, especially during their flight.
  • Necessary documents should be prepared and ready before boarding the plane. Passengers with incomplete documents will not be allowed to board.
  • All tourists should present a confirmed round trip plane tickets
  • All tourists should fill out and complete the Cebu Public Health Passenger Locator Form

The travel requirements and procedure implemented in Cebu City is stricter compared to the rest of the province. As set by the Cebu City LGU, the following are the travel requirements for APORs:

Travel Requirements | APOR

APOR, or Authorized Persons Outside of Residents are travelers to Cebu City for official business or employment. According to the guidelines of the IATF, the following are considered APORs:

  • Health and emergency frontline service personnel
  • Government officials and government frontline personnel
  • Duly authorized humanitarian assistance actors (HAAs)
  • Persons traveling for medical or humanitarian reasons
  • Persons going to the airport for travel abroad
  • Anyone crossing zones for work or business permitted in the zone of destination, and going back home


  • Negative RT-PCR result (Test must have been taken 3 days from the date of travel)
  • Safe, Swift, and Smart Passage (S-Pass) Registration (To register: Upload all documents to https://s-pass.ph/)
  • Travel Coordination Permit (TCP) or Travel Thru Permit (TPP) QR

Government-employed or IATF members should also include their valid government identification and mission/travel order.

Travel Requirements | Tourists

To aid the economy of Cebu City, tourists with non-essential travel purposes are also allowed to go to the Visayan capital given that they present the following requirements:

  • RT-PCR Negative result (test must have been taken 3 days from the date of travel)
  • Safe, Swift, and Smart Passage (S-Pass) Registration. (To register: Upload all documents to https://s-pass.ph/)
  • Travel Coordination Permit (TCP) or Travel Thru Permit (TPP) QR Code

Meanwhile, the latest directive from the provincial government of Cebu is not requiring APORs and domestic tourists to undergo mandatory testing or quarantine protocols as long as they present the following requirements:

  • Valid IDs
  • Medical Certificate
  • Approved pass after symptoms were checked and screened
  • Strictly comply with the minimum health standards during their stay

Government APORs are also required to have their original travel mission order by their respective superiors.

Other tips and reminders:

Get your RT-PCR Test from DOH-accredited laboratories

Only RT-PCR test results from DOH-accredited laboratories will be honored and considered as a valid requirement when entering Cebu City. Also, keep in mind that the negative test result should be within the 72-hour window prior to your date of travel.

Strictly observe health and safety protocols upon arrival and departure

Comply with the minimum health and safety standards implemented in the province at all times, from arrival to departure. Have all your travel documents readily available for checkpoints and inspections.

JEG Tower @ One Acacia is Cebu City’s newest PEZA accredited premium green building. With its sustainable and green features, the 22-storey commercial tower contributes to Cebu City’s resilience against pandemics and future disease outbreaks. Visit our website at www.jegtower.com to learn more.

The LEED Advantage: Should commercial buildings in the Philippines go for LEED certification?

As more people become aware of the benefits of a green building in the workplace and the community, many developers are pushing for sustainable and green real estate in the Philippines. The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is one of the certifications that buildings in the country can apply to ensure the safety, comfort, and security of its occupants.

Developed by the US Green Building Council (USGBC), it is an internationally-recognized green building certification program that provides a third-party verification that a building was designed and built following strategies aimed at improving performance, increasing energy savings, water efficiency, and carbon emissions reduction, stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts, and improving indoor environmental quality.

LEED certification is achieved by five main LEED Rating Systems evaluating different aspects of building and construction. Primarily, commercial and office buildings follow LEED Building Design and Construction (BD+C); LEED for Interior Design and Construction (ID+C); LEED for Building Operations and Maintenance (O+M).

RELATED: What does LEED mean in Philippine Commercial Real Estate?

These rating systems allow developments to gain points pre-, during, and after the construction phase. Points collected by establishments determine which kind of certification they achieve: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Certified. As establishments correctly implement a strategy, they earn LEED points. The more points earned, the more sustainable the building is.

LEED certification is also recognized globally. It is the most widely adopted benchmark as its standards apply to buildings operating at a global, regional, and local levels. 

People, Planet, Profit

LEED certification differentiates buildings from the rest. It shows how companies put a premium on their tenants’ safety, comfort, and security while staying inside the establishment. It is also a statement for sustainability as green practices and strategies are upheld from the design, materials used, construction, and operations of the building. Lesser construction waste is also produced.

Moreover, a LEED certification also benefits developers and property owners, highlighting the ‘profit’ aspect of the program. Green buildings result in reduced energy and water usage, effectively lowering operating costs.  LEED-certified buildings have a greater resale value and drastically elevate a company’s branding and public image.

READ MORE: Optimizing Buildings for Disease Prevention

Transitioning to the ‘new normal’, office buildings are applying stricter rules and regulations as some companies begin their business re-entry. These guidelines emphasize the health and security of building occupants against disease-causing bacteria and viruses, especially after numerous studies have attributed faster virus spread in the workplace.

One of the main aspects of LEED-certified buildings is its improved indoor air quality. Research has attributed virus outbreaks in office spaces to poor indoor air quality especially in confined spaces. These studies suggest that the filtration of recirculated air may be effective in reducing the transmission of airborne and infectious diseases. High-grade filters remove dust, vapors, bacteria, and fungi, and also effectively capture viral particles spread by droplet nuclei. 

Additionally, LEED-certified buildings optimize the ventilation inside office spaces. Research also found that an increased ventilation rate effectively reduces the cross-infection of airborne transmitted disease by diluting the contaminated air inside the space more rapidly and decrease the risk of cross-infection.

LEED is the new standard

Given the important role of the work environment in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, LEED certification is the new standard in securing the health, well-being, and safety of building occupiers. LEED’s basic principles of people, planet, and profit offer a cohesive standard for developers and property owners to forward the state of well-being of tenants and employees in the workplace.

Pursuing higher quality spaces encourage responsible building and developments that go beyond mere structure. Through green accreditation systems, the welfare of the community in and out of these spaces are prioritized.